Damn, maybe we are doing something right after all!
Thursday, August 29, 2002
Tuesday, August 27, 2002
I managed to pick up my needles and work on a sock that I started back in the end of June. It's been so hot this summer that the thought of working on wool socks has been right out. But September is in sight, and if I'm going to have to cram my pampered tootsies into shoes again after a summer of freedom in sandals, they are going to be properly cushioned by a pair of newly hand knit sockies!
I haven't been completely idle. I've been brushing up (OK, learning) how to do applique while working on this quilt. I started with the center block, and have a few of the others done. It's not huge, 48"X48", and will make a nice wall hanging. It will also be good the see my learning curve, because I gotta tell you, that first block is pretty damn bad! My applique goal? To be able to do a quilt like this one, and to do it well.
Friday, August 23, 2002
I hope my comments comes back soon. I miss them, even though they don't get much use. I have a headache and am throwing a pity party for myself. Blahblahblah.
Ah well. Must have something to make me smile!
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
I have to admit not doing any knitting over the last week or so. I only have to do the sleeves of the Kokopelli sweater, which will go up fairly quickly once I get started on them. It should be, I hope, cool enough over the next few days to get them done. Of course, I don't know why I'm in such a rush. It's not like The girlie is going to be able to wear it any time soon!
And, as per Grandma's request, a picture of her beautiful granddaughter not doing something goofy!
(not me in the background! it's my sis-in-law Tessa)
Dang! I have a 4-year-old! How the heck did that happen so fast?!? And how did she get so long and tall? I am constantly amazed by her...
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
Heat waves suck. It's suppose to be near 100 today. No knitting, not much computering. Air conditioning. Must find air conditioning.
We will resume our regularly schedued blogging when the temperature has dropped about 20 degrees! Keep cool All!
Tuesday, August 13, 2002
Friday, August 09, 2002
Thursday, August 08, 2002
I, myself, am struggling with the sleeves for the Kokopelli sweater. I just can't get them to work right to save my life. I've knit and ripped one of them three times already and think I've worked the problem out. Now I've just got to try it again!
Tuesday, August 06, 2002
I only hope that I can get her to change her mind!
Pictures of the turtle coming when I have daylight and fresh batteries in the camera!
Who was it who mentioned the game Alchemy in her blog? I'd like to have a *word* with you!...
...right after I finish this level...
Monday, August 05, 2002
Did a fair amount of knitting last night while watching Murder Rooms on PBS. I've only got the turtle's head left to do, and then an few inches of stockinette to finish the back. I just love 4 stitches to the inch! It's almost instant gratification!
Sunday, August 04, 2002
(ed:Woo Hoo! Figured it out without hours of cut & paste! The archives are back Mom! *grin*)
(ed again!: ok, but for some reason the page isn't showing up. I think I typed something wrong, as usually the problem is with what I've done, and not something else!)
(edx3: Yup. It's confirmed. I'm a dweeb. They should be working now.)