As the saying goes: Uuuuggghhhh!
OK, this flu officially s*cks! Irina has been miserable for almost a week now, and I hate to think about how much weight she's lost from not eating. Poor kid's eyes are just huge holes in her head at this point. Where's that Mommy Magic Wand that makes things all better when you need it? I've also spent the past few days being wickedly unhappy. Any illness I get goes straight to my throat, but I've never had it hurt as much as it has this week.
Today, I have decided that I just can't be sick anymore. I've got too many things to do. Like stripping the Christmas tree of it's ornaments so it can be taken to the recycling center tomorrow and I can reclaim my living room, which was completely rearranged. Of course that means I need to find space for all of the short one's stuff that's still under the tree, which means a major cleaning of her room. Sigh. I'd rather be knitting.
And, when it comes to knitting, I finally finished the second glove, mate to the
driving finger glove from a few weeks ago (which will make my left hand very happy). Unfortunately I don't have a picture to show, because the batteries in my camera are dead and all of our available AA batteries ended up in the girl's gifties.
Finishing that glove is the start of my New Year's Promise to myself, which is to finish some of the projects I have on needles before beginning any new major projects. I realized that I have two sweaters for Tony in the works, and they've both stalled. So I'm going to focus on finishing at least one of them at this point. I also have a couple of single socks looking for mates, so those make the list as well.
And, as for making resolutions, I don't because I never seem to keep them. However, seven years ago I promised myself that I'd never have another cigarette, and I still haven't! WooHoo!!!