Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Well, patootie (for want of a really strong word)

I just had my hours cut in half at work. All part of a 'restructuring' of the department. And while I can (sorta) understand the reasonings (Ok, no, not really, dammit), it still really stinks. I don't know if I should be depressed or angry at this point, but I've got a huge dose of both and it's really wearing me out.

I hereby give myself a week two days to stew on this, and then I need to figure out what I want to do. Maybe it's just time to leave. Damn. I hate change. Is it a cosmic kick in the butt, maybe? I don't know that I've been 'happy' there for a while, and just coasting through isn't what I really want to be doing. *sigh*sigh*

/self-indulgent, tmi, stream of conciousness ramble off

And, yes, Mom, I am OK. A little stunned, but OK. :s

Monday, March 22, 2004


Great big honkin' huge knitting slump. I haven't knit anything in days and days. *sigh*

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Life continues

And so does Inishmaan:

I really am enjoying the pattern.

Also, be warned, anyone who's seen me lately has seen this (crazy hair and all):

Say "Cheese!"

Oh yeah, I forgot! The tooth fairy came Monday night and left a very happy girl four shiny new quarters!

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Anyone miss me?

Between having yet another cold (and if I figure out who gave it to me they're toast), and having one of those times when I'm asking myself all sorts of deep, life altering questions (Who am I? What am I doing here? What is my greater purpose in life? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?) that posting has fallen by the wayside.

That, and the fact that I haven't bought batteries for my camera yet, so Inishmaan update pictures aren't possible at the moment. But both sleeves are done, and I've made good progress on the front.

The other big news around here is that the Tooth Fairy is going to be making her first visit to our home some night soon! I think Tony and I are more excited by this than the squirt is! Does anybody know what the going rate for a tooth is now-a-days?

and ever since I asked tony the exact qoute about the swallow he's been sitting behind me quoting monty python with great abandon. i've created a monster.