That is, if there's anyone coming around anymore to see if I post anymore.
I just seemed to have lost my blogging mojo. It's from a combination of things, I think. Personal and emotional and I don't know what all. *shrugs* That, and with summer here, I've been hanging around with the kiddo and not knitting all that much. (I did make some dishcloths for the kitchen lately, does that count?) {edit: where else would i make dishcloths for? d'oh!)
And, does it sound funny?, I almost feel guilty about not blogging. I'll get back to it at some point, I'm sure.
So this isn't a "Goodbye", it's more of a "See ya later, alligator". Drop me a line, if you have the time ( -you know to fix that, right?), and have a great rest of the summer!