Thursday, September 30, 2004
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
"So, like, I'm on this major cleaning spree..."
Now, if I could only get the landlord to bring me the paint she said she would! The bathroom really needs a fresh coat. Heck, it's been eight years! If we owned this place I'd probably have completely redone the bathroom three times by now, just because I'm like that.
I've been trying to figure out what's triggered this need to clean. It probably has something to do with that winter is coming, get ready to nest/hibernate thing.
The sad thing is, the carpet will only really be clean for about the next 20 minutes. *sigh* The joys of having a six year old!
{edit: ask and you shall receive! i came back up from meeting the bus, and one of the buildings maintenance men was standing at my door with a monster container of paint! now i have my project for *next* week :)}
Monday, September 27, 2004
So, I did start a poncho for the girlie, and I'm hating it. I know that the only reasonable course of action is going to be to rippit-rippit and start again. I'm thinking that maybe I need to go fondle fiber for inspiration. (What? Go to a yarn store and *gasp* stroke wool? The thought is so exciting it almost makes me feel dirrrrty. WooHoo!)
One of the nice thing about going back to work more hours is that I feel like I can go into a yarn store. The specter of not having enough money to cover the rent and buy groceries isn't hanging over my head this month, and it is such a relief! No, I'm not going to go crazy buying yarn (after all, I have a camera that needs to be repaired, which is going to cost me a bit), but I don't have to deny myself the pleasure of just going to look! It's a good thing.
Another good thing about going back to work more hours? My supervisor. She just rocks! And I will, and do, tell her that to her face.
M'kay. I'm going to go watch the Red Sox and knit a few more rows on the shawl.
Sunday, September 26, 2004
It's bye week
She needn't have worried, considering the Red Sox are going up against the Yankees for the third game in their series as I sit here typing.
When did I become a sports fan? Scary.
So here's a crummy picture of the shawl thus far:

It really is looking much better in the real world. Like I've said before, it's a tough color to take a decent picture of. I'm liking it, but it's reaching the point when it's stating to take many repeats to get through a row. It's good mindless knitting, but I can't be too mindless about it or I miss YO's. Or make them where they aren't needed.
So, instead of looking at a boring picture, do something much more interesting and go visit my nephew Nate, a fantastic musician, and just generally nice kid. Really.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
I have the sneaking suspicion...
I can be such a twit sometimes.
I think I need to make a poncho
But I don't need another project. Really I don't. I don't.
...and I really don't need to go buy more yarn!
Any wagers on how long it'll be before I give in?
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
So Totally Not Fair
I made it through another few repeats of the shawl pattern while (quietly) rooting on the Pats on Sunday. I'm finding that I'm liking it, but I'm glad that it's a 'simple' lace pattern. I look at some of the patterns out there for shawls and, while they are lovely, I think trying to keep track of what I was doing would drive me absolutely nuts! I'll try to get a decent picture of it once I've done a few more inches of work.
But chances are that I won't be knitting much over the next two days! A co-worker is getting married on October 1st, and we've done a quilt for her. I made a square (do you think I could find my camera to take a picture of it? No-o-o-o!), and I'm going to be doing a counted cross stitch legend for the back of it. Or, at least I will once I get the email I'm expecting with the list in it!
Now, I wonder if there's anything on t.v. tonight worth knitting to...
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Way too cute
Saturday, September 18, 2004
I caved
But there will be prime knitting time tomorrow!
I just seem to get more knitting done during football season. When I'm not yelling at the t.v., that is!

Thursday, September 16, 2004
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
I wonder what it means...
Lately I've been having the crazed urge to knit lace. And not just some diddly little bookmark something. I'm thinking a shawl.
Now, I'm not a "shawl" person, nor have I been that into knitting lace, so I'm not sure where this weird urge is coming from.
I think I should just go and lie down until the feeling passes.
Bonus, Baybee!
Would I?
Silly question.
So now I am the proud owner of these:
More circular needles than I will most likely ever need in my life. Some really nice old ones too, that are Susan Bates, but remind me of Addi Turbo's in the way that they're made.
She also put this in the bag:
It's a small loom of some sort, but I have no idea what it's used for! I've googled, but no dice. Any ideas?
Monday, September 13, 2004
Would any yarn addict be at all surprised to hear that I did the math and have 24,938 yards of yarn? And that's just in the boxes in my closet, who knows what's hiding in my dresser drawers...
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Hellooo? Anyone Home???
Yes, it's me. Sticking my head up to see if anyone's around.
I think that I just needed a great big, honkin' huge, break from blogging. And from, well, a lot of things. I'm not going to go into the icky, yucky details, but the past several months have been kind of hard for me personally. I did some things (or rather, didn't) that could have cost me a job that I love and a huge amount of my self respect.
But...that didn't happen. And, as with most difficulties, I think that I've emerged from it a stronger and happier person.
I'm also finding that I want to blog again! For a while there it was feeling like a chore, like I was hanging around the edges of a clique that didn't want me to be a part of it. But, eh? *shrugs* Who am I doing this for? Me, of course! (and, ok, my Mom likes keeping tabs on me too!)
So now I need to take the sheets off of the furniture, fluff the cushions, dust, and get some fresh flowers to brighten up the place.
Tea and knitting anyone?