I did manage to finish one project in time! The stocking for my girlfriend Judy's granddaughter! I can't wait to hear how it went!

Next year it's stockings for the guys in the family! (And I'm considering being sneaky and making some for Judy and her husband as a gift.)
Oh, and I discovered on Christmas Eve (actually, we all did), that I'm going to have a "new" nephew! Or will he be a nephew-in-law? No, no one's preggers, but one of my nieces, who's only 11 years younger than me, is engaged! Woot! We haven't had a good wedding in the familyin a long time!
Anyhoo, things seem to have mellowed out around here, which is nice. Now I just need to get back to doing some knitting (I got a ton of new knitting books as gifts), taking some pictures (I got film, surprise, surprise!) and trying to relax.