Then there was work, lots and lots of work. Spring is definitely on it's way! No, really, it is.
I also ended up having to take the kid clothes shopping. It would have been nice if she could have waited a few more months, when she'll be in shorts and t-shirts, to have a growth spurt, but "Nooooooo". She had to go and shoot up what looks like three inches in a couple of weeks. And she's suddenly discovered skirts and dresses! If she doesn't watch it she might end up being a "girly-girl" after all.
But I have also managed to get in a fair amount of fiber fun. First I need to show pictures of the vest that I made a few weeks ago. (Yes, I finally got around to taking pictures of it!)

This was a really fun project! Because it was done in squares it just seemed to go up really fast. And by the time I was sick of doing squares, it was time to do the angels on the neck and armholes.

The only thing I don't like about it is that the armholes are too deep. But it should be easy enough to pull them in at the bottom without throwing off how the vest hangs.
I spent the past week diving into my "Finish it or reclaim the yarn" container. Two sweaters are now piles of yarn waiting to have the kinks soaked out of them, and two other sweaters are marked to get the same treatment. These were sweaters that I started for the kid over the last few years and never finished. Finishing them now would be pointless because they wouldn't fit her anymore, even if I could find the patterns! (I have since learned, if you put a project aside, make sure that a copy of the pattern and all the notes that I've made go with it!)
One of the old projects I yanked from the box I *did* actually manage to finish! This sweater was a one-sleeve wonder for at least a year. I don't know why. Some sort of weird knitting angst. But I've been thinking that I wanted a heavier weight sweater to wear, instead of feeling like I needed to wear a coat all the time. So I applied myself during the day yesterday and knit my butt off. Fortunately what I had done on the right sleeve was easy enough to 'read' so I was able to copy it on the left. (No, I don't know where the pattern is!)

The buttons were put on while watching The Incredibles last night.

Of course I had 9 button holes, and only 8 buttons that matched! So the top button is different, and slightly too large for the hole. I doubt that I'll be buttoning that one very often anyway.
The original pattern was the free neck-down raglan pattern from
SpinCraft Patterns that I downloaded a while ago. (I have gone on and bought several of their patterns since then. I really, really like them!)
So that's been my life the past week of so. I've also been knitting socks and am close to finishing my first pair in...well...a while. I'm also going to continue my dyeing experiments with some Lion Brand
Fishermen's Wool that has been hanging around in my stash. It has a slightly yellow cast to it, instead of being a pure white, so it will be interesting to see what a difference that will make in the colors when it's dyed.
Hooray! My family just came in from being out in the world, and they brought coffee with them! Hooray!