Friday, June 07, 2002

Home with a sick kid today. (I called preschool to let them know she wasn't coming and the response was "Oh yeah. It's going around...") Oh well, wonder how I can keep her amused today...

Oh where, oh where, oh where is Carolyn? Moving cross country can really cramp your bloggin' style.

Nothing exciting going on today. I didn't do any knitting yesterday, worked on a quilt square instead gearing myself up for the Vermont Quilt Festival! 20 days and counting!!! WooHoo! I can hardly wait! (Not to mention the fact that I'll be husband and child less for five days. Does it make me a bad person for being so damned excited about it? I love 'em dearly, but to get a break? Divine!)

Must go amuse the small one and figure out what to do with her today...

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