Saturday, October 26, 2002

SEX with the Postman

Imagine the google hits that title's going to get! (Mom, I hope that you didn't shreik too loud!)

I got my Elann order yesterday. The colors I ordered don't go together as well as I might have liked, but hey, I'll use them. Am using them. What started out as "Oh, I'll just knit a test swatch and see how it feels" has turned into being one third of the way up the back! Like I don't have enough projects going on. Bad Kim! Bad!

As for the other projects, I haven't finished as much as I feel like I should have after spending a week sick at home. I'm about half way up the first sleeve of Irina's sweater, and could finish it quickly if I just sat down and applied myself. (is there an echo in here? where have i heard that before?) I really should just do it and be done with it. As for the 'other' project, I managed to put about two hours in on it today and have about 10 inches to do on the back. Which, at a few rows here and there, isn't all that bad.

OK, I've officially run out of things to say for tonight.

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