Sunday, November 17, 2002

Things That Really Tick Me Off

I received this email today as part of a group mailing from a friend. I have reprinted it here with her permission

Dear ones...

This has been a doozy of a couple of days. My son has
made me so very proud of him...herewith the tale:

Steve has worked for Whole Foods (an upscale, socially
responsible, healthy food store) for a couple of
years. He's been one of their "prepared foods"
managers - the guy who runs the deli and manages the
crew of folks who bring you healthy and delicious
taste treats. And life has been pretty good for him -
he has been looking forward to year-end and the rather
large bonus to be paid to all employees because of a
profitable year.

About six months' ago he was "written up" and
"reprimanded" for feeding a homeless person. You see,
prepared foods have a "holding time" and then must be
disposed of. He was getting rid of the food (putting
it in a dumpster) when this guy came up to him and
said he was hungry. Steve did the obvious. He gave
him food. And was "written up".

On Wednesday, there was a repeat of this scenario...he
was dumping food (unsellable but very edible) and a
homeless person came up and said he was hungry. Steve
gave him food. And this time he was fired...for
violating company policy.

The disparity between Whole Foods' policy of "social
responsibility" and the obscenity of throwing food
away in the face of hunger is unbelievable.

I am hoping he follows up, both with the Whole Foods
regional office and with one of the local newspapers.
It's completely up to him, of course, as to what
course he will take with the situation.

He can always get a pretty good job as a cook (he has
run small restaurants and done short order cooking
before coming to Whole Foods)...and meantime, I am
very, very proud of him.

proud mom

This man was penalized for having a good heart and having the courage to do what was right. If this has bothered you as much as it has me, go to Whole Foods and let them know!!! Check with the Whole Foods and Bread & Circus stores in your area and find out what their policies are. If they can afford to throw food away, they can feed a homeless person. There is no excuse.

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