My Sweet Guy
Brought me home a brand spankin' new copy of Richard Rutt's History of Hand Knitting. Unfortunately, it says in the description that there are 14 color photographs, which are missing from my book. I sense an email to Interweave Press in my future!
Otherwise I'm knitting away on a sock and the Project That I'm Not Going To Talk About. I'm also considering making a spreadsheet that lists my stash, but that might hurt too much. Maybe someday when I really have nothing better to do.
Sunday, March 30, 2003
Friday, March 28, 2003
I wish that there was something terribly exciting to say, but I'm afraid not. If you couldn't find me earlier, my host was having server problems, but it's back up now. (Obviously, duh!) Fortunately I had the sixth sense to save my post in Word, which I never do, so when Blogger ate it, it wasn't completely gone. Phew!
I do have a project in the works (gag, yet another project), but I'm not going to talk about it as much as I want to, because that just seems to jinx me into not finishing! (See list to left for examples <------) I really should go into a UFO finishing spree, but it's so much more interesting to start things...
I did get to have a fiber filled day yesterday! A trip to the LYS scored me some more sock yarn to use for making socks for the Ships Project, and some Brown Sheep worsted for a pattern that I'm "unventing" several times over. (Ooh, ooh! Charity knitting and unventing in one sentence! I'm a Knitdweeb, Baby! So sue me.) (Ok, PMS moment over) I also picked up some more non-traditional knitting patterns for baby clothing. NO, not for me!!! I have several friends that are due in August, and the pink and blue thing just isn't going to cut it!
When I returned home I found box from Elann sitting in the lobby under the mailboxes. Hooray! A wonderfully soft cotton/acrylic blend in a vibrant pink (confession: I'm not girlie, but I like pink. It looks good on me. The brighter the better.), and a pattern to be used with said pink yarn.
And then, while visiting my parents, my Mother gave me a copy of the Ultimate Knitter's Guide, a book that I had been lusting over ever since I first saw it. I had, however, been unwilling to pay $40. fo it. Don't worry, my Mom didn't either! She snagged it at a library book sale for...ready?...$2.00...Sweet!
I wish that there was something terribly exciting to say, but I'm afraid not. If you couldn't find me earlier, my host was having server problems, but it's back up now. (Obviously, duh!) Fortunately I had the sixth sense to save my post in Word, which I never do, so when Blogger ate it, it wasn't completely gone. Phew!
I do have a project in the works (gag, yet another project), but I'm not going to talk about it as much as I want to, because that just seems to jinx me into not finishing! (See list to left for examples <------) I really should go into a UFO finishing spree, but it's so much more interesting to start things...
I did get to have a fiber filled day yesterday! A trip to the LYS scored me some more sock yarn to use for making socks for the Ships Project, and some Brown Sheep worsted for a pattern that I'm "unventing" several times over. (Ooh, ooh! Charity knitting and unventing in one sentence! I'm a Knitdweeb, Baby! So sue me.) (Ok, PMS moment over) I also picked up some more non-traditional knitting patterns for baby clothing. NO, not for me!!! I have several friends that are due in August, and the pink and blue thing just isn't going to cut it!
When I returned home I found box from Elann sitting in the lobby under the mailboxes. Hooray! A wonderfully soft cotton/acrylic blend in a vibrant pink (confession: I'm not girlie, but I like pink. It looks good on me. The brighter the better.), and a pattern to be used with said pink yarn.
And then, while visiting my parents, my Mother gave me a copy of the Ultimate Knitter's Guide, a book that I had been lusting over ever since I first saw it. I had, however, been unwilling to pay $40. fo it. Don't worry, my Mom didn't either! She snagged it at a library book sale for...ready?...$2.00...Sweet!
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Yesterday was "A" day
I imagine that it could have been worse. Dealing with a cranky kid and being late to work was bad enough. Having to unpack some really poorly packaged mirrors did nothing to improve my mood. (Why the heck would someone staple cardboard to a mirror that retails for over $300? It might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but really!) The capper was when I was hanging one of the afore mentioned mirrors. Driving a nail into the wall incited a picture hanging further up to jump off. I caught it...with my forehead.
No major damage done, no blood, and no bruise though the spot is a little tender this morning. Fortunately that was as downhill as my day went yesterday, though there was potential for it to get worse. I didn't get into a car accident on the way home, for instance. I'm not in intensive care someplace. And after a good cry (and some lemon poppyseed cake someone had brought in) my sense of humor started to reassert itself.
And the day did end on a high note when the small one and I fell asleep snuggled on our 8pm!!! I was tired!
So, I have finished the wild socks, and I'd show you pictures, but Irina insisted on wearing them to preschool yesterday! Like I was going to tell her no? They're in the laundry pile now. I'll try to remember to take pics next time she has them on.
I've started another pair for her. I'm going to give in to the strange, crazed urge to knit something pink and frilly for her by making some fancy socks to wear for Easter with her dress shoes. (Do I not make her frilly little girl stuff because she's not a frilly little girl type, or because I'm not? Armchair analysis, anyone?)
And, having read that column that is ticking everyone off, all I can say is "Puh-LEEEEEEEZE!!!" She's obviously never had anyone knit her a pair of socks, or a sweater, or even a scarf. Then again, she wouldn't appreciate it if someone did. I think that others responded to her *far* better that I ever could, so I won't waste my time even trying.
I imagine that it could have been worse. Dealing with a cranky kid and being late to work was bad enough. Having to unpack some really poorly packaged mirrors did nothing to improve my mood. (Why the heck would someone staple cardboard to a mirror that retails for over $300? It might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but really!) The capper was when I was hanging one of the afore mentioned mirrors. Driving a nail into the wall incited a picture hanging further up to jump off. I caught it...with my forehead.
No major damage done, no blood, and no bruise though the spot is a little tender this morning. Fortunately that was as downhill as my day went yesterday, though there was potential for it to get worse. I didn't get into a car accident on the way home, for instance. I'm not in intensive care someplace. And after a good cry (and some lemon poppyseed cake someone had brought in) my sense of humor started to reassert itself.
And the day did end on a high note when the small one and I fell asleep snuggled on our 8pm!!! I was tired!
So, I have finished the wild socks, and I'd show you pictures, but Irina insisted on wearing them to preschool yesterday! Like I was going to tell her no? They're in the laundry pile now. I'll try to remember to take pics next time she has them on.
I've started another pair for her. I'm going to give in to the strange, crazed urge to knit something pink and frilly for her by making some fancy socks to wear for Easter with her dress shoes. (Do I not make her frilly little girl stuff because she's not a frilly little girl type, or because I'm not? Armchair analysis, anyone?)
And, having read that column that is ticking everyone off, all I can say is "Puh-LEEEEEEEZE!!!" She's obviously never had anyone knit her a pair of socks, or a sweater, or even a scarf. Then again, she wouldn't appreciate it if someone did. I think that others responded to her *far* better that I ever could, so I won't waste my time even trying.
Sunday, March 23, 2003
I must admit
That I have been watching the news much more than is good for me. In a way it's like driving past a car wreck: You don't want to look, and you tell yourself not to look; but your head swivels as you go by despite your best intentions. It's sad, sad, sad...
On to other things!
This sock has been determined to drive me crazy. I knit the heel flap last night, decreased back down to the original number of stitches, and had Irina slip it on so I could check the length. Lo! and Behold! The ankle was fine, but the foot itself was huge! So ripping I go. I did an extra row of ribbing, decreasing 8 stitches in the process, knit the heel flap, started doing the guset decreases...and it didn't look right. Huh?
So, scratching my head, I head for my multitude of sock knitting books (multitude=3) to give myself a refresher course because I haven't knit a top down sock in, like, forever; being a generally toe-up sort of girl. So I pull out my copy of "Folk Socks", flip open to the heel variation section, and...
I forgot to turn the heel! No wonder the dumb thing looked so strange!
So now with my heel safely turned, and my gusset decreased, I can continue happily along until I realize that I've knit an inch too far and have to rip again! (Which, if I make myself actually sit and do it, should only be in about two hours)
That I have been watching the news much more than is good for me. In a way it's like driving past a car wreck: You don't want to look, and you tell yourself not to look; but your head swivels as you go by despite your best intentions. It's sad, sad, sad...
On to other things!
This sock has been determined to drive me crazy. I knit the heel flap last night, decreased back down to the original number of stitches, and had Irina slip it on so I could check the length. Lo! and Behold! The ankle was fine, but the foot itself was huge! So ripping I go. I did an extra row of ribbing, decreasing 8 stitches in the process, knit the heel flap, started doing the guset decreases...and it didn't look right. Huh?
So, scratching my head, I head for my multitude of sock knitting books (multitude=3) to give myself a refresher course because I haven't knit a top down sock in, like, forever; being a generally toe-up sort of girl. So I pull out my copy of "Folk Socks", flip open to the heel variation section, and...
I forgot to turn the heel! No wonder the dumb thing looked so strange!
So now with my heel safely turned, and my gusset decreased, I can continue happily along until I realize that I've knit an inch too far and have to rip again! (Which, if I make myself actually sit and do it, should only be in about two hours)
Friday, March 21, 2003
When dealing with a crazy world...
Dig out the wildest sock yarn that you can find in your stash, surf the Knitblog ring, and make socks for the kiddo!
The yarn is Stahl Socka "Color" yarn in Tuttifrutti bought a way back when I was a beginning sock knitter. Not knowing any better (heck, I'm self taught), and that I wouldn't need so much, I bought four skeins. Two became my second pair of socks ever, the heels of which are completely gone because I wore them with clogs. (What is it with clogs? why are they so hard on sock heels? Can't figure that one out...) One of the other skeins will be a pair for Irina. The second one? I'm thinking mittens. Next year! I an sincerely hoping that new mittens are no longer needed this year!!!
Dig out the wildest sock yarn that you can find in your stash, surf the Knitblog ring, and make socks for the kiddo!

The yarn is Stahl Socka "Color" yarn in Tuttifrutti bought a way back when I was a beginning sock knitter. Not knowing any better (heck, I'm self taught), and that I wouldn't need so much, I bought four skeins. Two became my second pair of socks ever, the heels of which are completely gone because I wore them with clogs. (What is it with clogs? why are they so hard on sock heels? Can't figure that one out...) One of the other skeins will be a pair for Irina. The second one? I'm thinking mittens. Next year! I an sincerely hoping that new mittens are no longer needed this year!!!
Thursday, March 20, 2003
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Oh boy...
It's nice having someone who understands your strengths and can appreciate them!
The computer, this morning, was fried! I have no idea how it happened, but it thought we were part of a home network, and had somehow uninstalled MSN! (or, could not "find" the program)
I fixed it! I'm not sure exactly how, but I fixed it. I had to install MSN 8 in the process (which I think I'm liking a lot more), but I figured out what the hell was broken and fixed it!
I told Tony about it. His response? "I'm glad that it happened on your watch, because I wouldn't have known what to do and would have left it for you to figure out!" (As he puts it: he plays games on the computer, I'm the one who actually "uses" it)
No if only my comments would come back! Oh well, someday...
It's nice having someone who understands your strengths and can appreciate them!
The computer, this morning, was fried! I have no idea how it happened, but it thought we were part of a home network, and had somehow uninstalled MSN! (or, could not "find" the program)
I fixed it! I'm not sure exactly how, but I fixed it. I had to install MSN 8 in the process (which I think I'm liking a lot more), but I figured out what the hell was broken and fixed it!
I told Tony about it. His response? "I'm glad that it happened on your watch, because I wouldn't have known what to do and would have left it for you to figure out!" (As he puts it: he plays games on the computer, I'm the one who actually "uses" it)
No if only my comments would come back! Oh well, someday...
Sunday, March 16, 2003
Friday, March 14, 2003
Bye-bye DangerousChunky!
I am among those who are saddened by Carolyn's decision to close the doors of her wonderful blog. She was one of the first people to link to me way back when, and I felt as if I had been touched by blogging, and knitting, royalty. She was someone that I visited with on a daily basis, and always had the coolest links and pictures. While I understand her decision, part of me wants to stomp my feet and hold my breath until I turn blue so she'll come back!
Good Luck Carolyn! I hope that you come back to visit the old neighborhood sometime...
I am among those who are saddened by Carolyn's decision to close the doors of her wonderful blog. She was one of the first people to link to me way back when, and I felt as if I had been touched by blogging, and knitting, royalty. She was someone that I visited with on a daily basis, and always had the coolest links and pictures. While I understand her decision, part of me wants to stomp my feet and hold my breath until I turn blue so she'll come back!
Good Luck Carolyn! I hope that you come back to visit the old neighborhood sometime...
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Warning: Pattern Rant Ahead!
rant on/
Does anyone else have the most recent issue of PieceWork magazine? In it is a pattern for "Jody's Many-Color Vest", which on first blush is a really gorgeous, intricate fair isle pattern. And it's very intriguing because it is knit in the round from top to bottom with the cast on row being the left front edge, and the cast off row is the right front edge. (You know, where they meet in the center)
Unfortunately, the pattern falls apart from there! It is one of the most unnesessarily complicated patterns that I have ever seen! I, personally, found it almost illegible, and Mom and I sat there for a good half an hour last night tearing it apart!
Now, I said that this pattern is knit in the round, but what you can't tell is that the two front pieces and the back are actually three seperate pieces that are joined together to make one long tube with armholes and vents cast off so you don't have to cut them. (I know! I can hear you going "Huh?") Where there should have been 'bold' headings for those the type is just the same as the rest of the pattern-almost as if you were reading a column instead of a pattern.
And then you cut the tops and bottoms of the tubes to make the shoulders and bottom hem ("Wha?")
And while there are charts galore for the fair isle stitches, there is *no* schematic that shows measurements, cutting lines, sewing lines, or anything! And this pattern really, really needed it! The pattern is definately for a more experienced knitter, but you need to be an expert+++ to be able to actually read the pattern!
And, yes, while I know that PieceWork is not a knitting magazine, I would think that if they were going to print a knitting pattern they would make sure that is actually readable! I'm sure that if I were to actually knit the pattern it would make sense; but reading it I find it impossible to visualize just exactly what the heck is going on in it!
/rant off
Or is it me? Has anybody else seen this pattern? (My Mom, of course, has given me the challenge to actually make the vest for her, in the process rewriting the pattern. (Gee, Thanks Ma...) I'm going to be obsessing on this for a while...)
rant on/
Does anyone else have the most recent issue of PieceWork magazine? In it is a pattern for "Jody's Many-Color Vest", which on first blush is a really gorgeous, intricate fair isle pattern. And it's very intriguing because it is knit in the round from top to bottom with the cast on row being the left front edge, and the cast off row is the right front edge. (You know, where they meet in the center)
Unfortunately, the pattern falls apart from there! It is one of the most unnesessarily complicated patterns that I have ever seen! I, personally, found it almost illegible, and Mom and I sat there for a good half an hour last night tearing it apart!
Now, I said that this pattern is knit in the round, but what you can't tell is that the two front pieces and the back are actually three seperate pieces that are joined together to make one long tube with armholes and vents cast off so you don't have to cut them. (I know! I can hear you going "Huh?") Where there should have been 'bold' headings for those the type is just the same as the rest of the pattern-almost as if you were reading a column instead of a pattern.
And then you cut the tops and bottoms of the tubes to make the shoulders and bottom hem ("Wha?")
And while there are charts galore for the fair isle stitches, there is *no* schematic that shows measurements, cutting lines, sewing lines, or anything! And this pattern really, really needed it! The pattern is definately for a more experienced knitter, but you need to be an expert+++ to be able to actually read the pattern!
And, yes, while I know that PieceWork is not a knitting magazine, I would think that if they were going to print a knitting pattern they would make sure that is actually readable! I'm sure that if I were to actually knit the pattern it would make sense; but reading it I find it impossible to visualize just exactly what the heck is going on in it!
/rant off
Or is it me? Has anybody else seen this pattern? (My Mom, of course, has given me the challenge to actually make the vest for her, in the process rewriting the pattern. (Gee, Thanks Ma...) I'm going to be obsessing on this for a while...)
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
If anyone noticed that strange header that I had up for a short time yesterday...Yes, Kim screwed up. That's what I get for using the same title for different .jpg images. It made perfect sense at the time...
This is where that header belongs!
(With a tip of the hat to Staceyjoy for making me think about pulling out and dusting off an old page!)
If anyone noticed that strange header that I had up for a short time yesterday...Yes, Kim screwed up. That's what I get for using the same title for different .jpg images. It made perfect sense at the time...
This is where that header belongs!
(With a tip of the hat to Staceyjoy for making me think about pulling out and dusting off an old page!)
Monday, March 10, 2003
Big time yawn
I was fighting that darned sinus headache all weekend (it didn't lift until late yesterday, really) so I didn't get a lot of anything done. My head was just hurting too bad. So now I'm going to try to make up for it. At least I'm not working on anything pressing. So, as a concequence, I have nothing enlightening to say!
The good news is that I'm going to have a knitting neighbor! Amy and her family are going to be moving to my town! How cool is that? It's a small, small blogging world...Yes, you know what tune to sing that to! (Sorry, sorry! Please don't flame me! It's stuck in *my* head as well!!!)
BTW, if anyone's tried to email me: I'm not ignoring you! I'm just not getting email for some reason (MSN is burping, or something). There are emails that I know I should be getting that haven't shown up. I'm kind of annoyed bt it.
I was fighting that darned sinus headache all weekend (it didn't lift until late yesterday, really) so I didn't get a lot of anything done. My head was just hurting too bad. So now I'm going to try to make up for it. At least I'm not working on anything pressing. So, as a concequence, I have nothing enlightening to say!
The good news is that I'm going to have a knitting neighbor! Amy and her family are going to be moving to my town! How cool is that? It's a small, small blogging world...Yes, you know what tune to sing that to! (Sorry, sorry! Please don't flame me! It's stuck in *my* head as well!!!)
BTW, if anyone's tried to email me: I'm not ignoring you! I'm just not getting email for some reason (MSN is burping, or something). There are emails that I know I should be getting that haven't shown up. I'm kind of annoyed bt it.
Friday, March 07, 2003
I just went down...
to move my car so that the landlord could plow the space. I rode the elevator back up with our landlady, and I couldn't figure out why she was looking at me funny. (It was the old "do I have something on my nose?" feeling.) It wasn't until I got back to the apartment that I realized I had a dpn stuck behind my ear like a pencil.
What? Doesn't everybody stick knitting needles behind their ears?
to move my car so that the landlord could plow the space. I rode the elevator back up with our landlady, and I couldn't figure out why she was looking at me funny. (It was the old "do I have something on my nose?" feeling.) It wasn't until I got back to the apartment that I realized I had a dpn stuck behind my ear like a pencil.
What? Doesn't everybody stick knitting needles behind their ears?
A few quiet days
I've been fighting a sinus headache that's been trying really hard to turn into a migraine for the past two (and going on three) days now! Part of me just wishes it would become a migraine so I could get it the hell over with! But no such luck...
So I've been learning something new while sitting on the couch and trying very carefully not to move my head.
The directions to do this is in the spring 2003 issue of Cast On and is a lot of fun! (Kind of addicting, really) The only bad part? You see all those ends? I'll tell you a can't see them ALL!!!
I'm going back to the couch now.
I've been fighting a sinus headache that's been trying really hard to turn into a migraine for the past two (and going on three) days now! Part of me just wishes it would become a migraine so I could get it the hell over with! But no such luck...
So I've been learning something new while sitting on the couch and trying very carefully not to move my head.

The directions to do this is in the spring 2003 issue of Cast On and is a lot of fun! (Kind of addicting, really) The only bad part? You see all those ends? I'll tell you a can't see them ALL!!!
I'm going back to the couch now.
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Yup, I'm here
I've just had a busy couple of days! We've started getting busier at work (heck, in about two weeks we'll have 30 new temporary employees to get use to), and I have just been tired. I will get use to it though. It will be the story of my life the next few months!
I've been swatching, playing with ideas, but nothing is jumping out screaming: "Knit Me!" It'll happen eventually (But that doesn't mean I don't want to go knitting! Hint, hint, Alison!) So, in lieu of any serious knitting content, I'll just have to give you another picture from the place I am lucky enough to work!
I've just had a busy couple of days! We've started getting busier at work (heck, in about two weeks we'll have 30 new temporary employees to get use to), and I have just been tired. I will get use to it though. It will be the story of my life the next few months!
I've been swatching, playing with ideas, but nothing is jumping out screaming: "Knit Me!" It'll happen eventually (But that doesn't mean I don't want to go knitting! Hint, hint, Alison!) So, in lieu of any serious knitting content, I'll just have to give you another picture from the place I am lucky enough to work!

Saturday, March 01, 2003
Knitting Ennui
Ugh. I just cannot find the ambition to do anything right now. I have a ton of projects that I could be working on, but none of them excite me. I have yarn that I could use to create new projects, but even my startitis has gone on hiatus. (betcha never thought that the words "startitis" and "hiatus" could ever be used in the same sentence. You are in awe, aren't you? I know you are.)
I am bored bored bored bored bored.
Ugh. I just cannot find the ambition to do anything right now. I have a ton of projects that I could be working on, but none of them excite me. I have yarn that I could use to create new projects, but even my startitis has gone on hiatus. (betcha never thought that the words "startitis" and "hiatus" could ever be used in the same sentence. You are in awe, aren't you? I know you are.)
I am bored bored bored bored bored.
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