Cake anyone?
Yup, another year down. Not quite sure how I feel about this, my 7th annual 29th birthday. A gray, rainy day too. Ah well, I have the day off to myself, Seabiscuit to read, and knitting to work on. If I feel the crazed urge to get out of here I might take a ride out to the new yarn shop in Needham that Amy has mentioned, but a yarn shop in quick walking distance of a quilt shop? I don't think my "won't power" (nevermind my will power) is quite that strong!
I finally picked up the Virgin sweater again. After screwing up the same row three times I was a little disheartened by it and tossed it in a pile to glare at for a while. ::note to self: reading an intricate chart and dealing with a 4-year-old do not mix:: I'm about one third of the way up the bodies of the lower figures, but not far enough to be worthy of a picture yet. It's too dark to take a decent one today anyway.
I've also been working on a sweater for Tony out of some of the wool I picked up in Vermont (Ah, the glory that is air conditioning, to be able to work with wool on 90 degree days!) Nothing fancy going on there, just straight stockinette on size 9's. It's the color that's going to make it fantastic, a dark blue tweedy purple, red, almost aqua color "Wow" of a color. I doubt that any picture of it could do the color justice. And because it is on big needles it's going quickly, which is a nice change of pace from the Vigrin sweater. That on feels like it takes me about 20 minutes a row! Sheesh!
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