Saturday, August 23, 2003

What I've been doing instead of knitting:

When I've got the fourth sunflower done I'll be one quarter of the way through the number of applique squares that I want to do. Fortunately we have large blank walls to hang it on.

That's all I have today! Ta.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I had a vacuum cleaner,
It really tried it's best.
A puff of smoke
It croaked,
It died,
And in a dumpster laid to rest.

I bought a brand new vacuum
(With a coupon!)
(And on sale!)
Ah, my lovely Bissell
I hope you never fail!

Your power is prodigious
With cat fur and with dust.
Promise me,
My brand new friend,
That you will never bust!

With apologies to real poets everywhere!

Monday, August 18, 2003

I'm B-a-a-a-a-a-ck!

Did y'all miss me?

We've actually had a pretty darn busy couple of weeks around here! Much to-ing and fro-ing and coming and going. Well, that and the fact that I've been trying to wean myself off of using the computer as much as I tend to, which can be a lot! It's been surprisingly easy to not sit in this chair constantly.

The most exciting thing around here is the fact that I'm now the Mother of a 5-year-old! YIKES!!!

(The koala is a birthday gift that her cousin brought back from Australia.)

It's been too hot around here (again) to be spending much time knitting, so I've been working on some applique quilt squares instead. It's more of a learning experience than anything, because my applique skills need some work, but I think it will turn out pretty well. I'll post a picture of them when I've gotten a few more done.

Things may still be quiet around here for the next couple of weeks while we do the final build up to Kindergarten (WOOHOO!). Things have been made much easier since we discovered that two of the kids in Irina's preschool/day care are going to have the same teacher as her! OK, it made it easier for me, I don't know about her. After all, she's the one who will just walk up to another kid and say "Hi. My name's Irina, what's yours?" How we ended up with a social butterfly we have no idea!

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Tidying up the place

Man, my links were a mess. I commented out some people who haven't posted in a while (I don't want to loose the links in case they do come back someday), and added Knit Knack Patty Whack (who wins the award for "Blog Title I'm Most Likely to Walk Around Singing"). I know that there must be more New England Knitters out there. Sing out and I'll add you!

I need to go through and clean up the other pages, none of the big Kokopelli sweater pictures are showing up, but my 'html' program is telling me that I'm missing a .DLL file, even though I can see it in the folder. Grrrr. Downloaded it twice I have. Grrr. Ordered the disk I did. Load it from there I will, and hope for best.

Why am I talking like Yoda?

Other than that, I've been playing Blogshares way too much. Knitting occasionally, because it's been too sticky to think about wool. And being goofy with the kid, who starts kindergarten in four weeks!!!! (Obsessive much? Nooooo, not me...)

Saturday, August 02, 2003

I've run away to join the circus...

Well, not really. But it does seem like a delightful idea at times!

I've been helping some friends from work put together a quilt for another co-worker. He and his wife have a baby due at the end of the month, and a big group of us did blocks. This is the fifth group quilt that we've done welcoming a new baby into the 'clan' at work, and I'm always amazed at the creativity! I'm going to help do some quilting on it tomorrow, so I'll try to remember to bring my camera to get a few pictures.

I've also been finishing sewing the binding on a quilt that I made, umm...a looooong time ago. It's about time I got the dang thing done, because then I can justify starting another one.

I've also almost finished the back of Tony's blue sweater and Irina's Halloween sweater, literally about an inch left to go on each. Than I can start on the front of those! I'm going to see just how far along I can get on my current projects with the aim of having a "Satisfying September" while finishing them up.

But, knowing me, it'll probably end up being "Startitis September" despite my best intentions!