Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Yikes! and Gadzooks! I actually finished it. The Christmas giftie is done and ready to go onto it's intended recipient. You will, of course, understand and forgive me if I don't post a picture of it until it has gone on to it's new home.

Today was slightly on the bonkers side. I did have enforced down time this morning, two and one half hours sitting at the dealership having the water pump replaced in our car. Better having it done than to have the car suddenly stop while cruising down the Mass. Pike! That was when I finished the previously mentioned project (FIP instead of KIP?).

I normally wouldn't have minded, but today was what I consider the day before Christmas. My day for running around getting sorted and organized. (Organized? Me? In my next life, maybe!) I should be wrapping now, while I have the quiet time to do it; but the ambition ain't there at the moment.

Tomorrow we travel and have the mega Christmas Eve bash at the in-laws. Twenty-something people crammed around the table, tons of food, the sister-in-law who always brings the *huge* box of Godiva chocolates, trying to figure out who your secret Santa was, and placing bets on which child's head is going to explode first from the excitement!...And then we come back home and do it all over again the next day at my parents house! Significantly fewer people, but somehow we manage to get just as loud!

So, as I head off on my wild & crazy next few days, I wish you all a Happy Holiday. Stay safe and have fun!

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