Thursday, October 28, 2004
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Lazy, lazy, lazy
This is so weird. I have a day when I don't actually have to "do" anything! I can just kick back and play with yarn all day if I want. (At least, until the bus shows up at three.) My morning is spoken for tomorrow, so I think I'd better enjoy today!
Mitten number two for the girlie was finally finished the night before last, however do you think we can find the first one? No-o-o-o-o! It's got to be in this apartment somewhere, but I fond it funny to think that the mitten's been lost before it's really been cold enough to wear it!
(It might be cold enough soon though! Is it possible that the Red Sox might actually win? Is this the year that Hell freezes over??? I, personally, won't believe it until we're ahead by six runs, it's the bottom of the ninth with two runners out, and the player at bat has two strikes! Then, and only then, will I stop holding my breath!)
Mitten number two for the girlie was finally finished the night before last, however do you think we can find the first one? No-o-o-o-o! It's got to be in this apartment somewhere, but I fond it funny to think that the mitten's been lost before it's really been cold enough to wear it!
(It might be cold enough soon though! Is it possible that the Red Sox might actually win? Is this the year that Hell freezes over??? I, personally, won't believe it until we're ahead by six runs, it's the bottom of the ninth with two runners out, and the player at bat has two strikes! Then, and only then, will I stop holding my breath!)
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Repeat the Mantra
"I will finish what I am doing before I start anything new.
I will finish what I am doing before I start anything new."
After all, I only have half of a mitten and seven squares of the rug to complete. Oh, and a cardigan that needs a sleeve and buttons, even though I need to figure out what I did with the yarn I was using. And the lace shawl, I really should consider getting back to that.
And those are just the projects that I can see from where I'm sitting.
But I want to make the hubby a pair of mittens. And I have a friend that I want to make a pair of gloves for, but she's allergic to wool so I'm thinking maybe alpaca. The kid has also asked for socks to match her mittens. And I have the stockings that a friend has asked me to do (I suppose those should take precedence).
And then there's also this moebius scarf that I want to make (I have some chocolate brown lace weight alpaca that has been screaming at me to use it, and this might be the project). There's also the Fiddlesticks knit along that I'd love to join (I'm really jonesing over the Peacock shawl) And...And...And...
AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *Kim's head explodes*
I will finish what I am doing before I start anything new."
After all, I only have half of a mitten and seven squares of the rug to complete. Oh, and a cardigan that needs a sleeve and buttons, even though I need to figure out what I did with the yarn I was using. And the lace shawl, I really should consider getting back to that.
And those are just the projects that I can see from where I'm sitting.
But I want to make the hubby a pair of mittens. And I have a friend that I want to make a pair of gloves for, but she's allergic to wool so I'm thinking maybe alpaca. The kid has also asked for socks to match her mittens. And I have the stockings that a friend has asked me to do (I suppose those should take precedence).
And then there's also this moebius scarf that I want to make (I have some chocolate brown lace weight alpaca that has been screaming at me to use it, and this might be the project). There's also the Fiddlesticks knit along that I'd love to join (I'm really jonesing over the Peacock shawl) And...And...And...
AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *Kim's head explodes*
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Well, we ended up having a wickedly late night last night, and it had nothing to do with the Red Sox win (as awesome as it was). No, it had everything to do with the kid developing a really bad case of the croup and us having to drag her to the hospital in the middle of the night when nothing we did here helped!
Ah, the joys of having kids! Fortunately this was the first time we had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night! We're keeping our fingers crossed that it's another six years before we have to do it again.
As a result of our nocturnal trip, we're all dragging our butts around here today. (Yes, we all stayed home today. We weren't going to try to get the small one up at 8a.m. when she had been up until 3! And Tony knew he wasn't going to be able to function on less then three hours sleep.) Irina's the only one who hasn't taken a nap today, but I'm expecting a really early bed time for her tonight.
I'm sure that I have something crafty that I could post about, but I'm a little brain dead right now. So I'll just send you over to admire the filet crochet panel that Kim Brody Salazar has done over at String or Nothing. It's inspired me to start one of my own using a pattern from a cross stitch silhouette book that I own. I'll put up a picture when it actually looks like something.
Oh, and I finally finished painting my bathroom yesterday. How on earth did it manage to take me three weeks to paint an ity-bity room?
Ah, the joys of having kids! Fortunately this was the first time we had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night! We're keeping our fingers crossed that it's another six years before we have to do it again.
As a result of our nocturnal trip, we're all dragging our butts around here today. (Yes, we all stayed home today. We weren't going to try to get the small one up at 8a.m. when she had been up until 3! And Tony knew he wasn't going to be able to function on less then three hours sleep.) Irina's the only one who hasn't taken a nap today, but I'm expecting a really early bed time for her tonight.
I'm sure that I have something crafty that I could post about, but I'm a little brain dead right now. So I'll just send you over to admire the filet crochet panel that Kim Brody Salazar has done over at String or Nothing. It's inspired me to start one of my own using a pattern from a cross stitch silhouette book that I own. I'll put up a picture when it actually looks like something.
Oh, and I finally finished painting my bathroom yesterday. How on earth did it manage to take me three weeks to paint an ity-bity room?
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
They're trying to kill me!
The Red Sox, I mean! How I'm going to get through game 7 is completely beyond me! And Curt, Curt,CURT! The man just rocks!
I've gotten *no* knitting done the past few nights...It's hard to knit when your hands are covering your eyes!
I've gotten *no* knitting done the past few nights...It's hard to knit when your hands are covering your eyes!
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Busy, busy, busy
It's been a fun and not-so-fun couple of days. Friday was the not-so-fun day as I ended up with what was possibly the worst migraine I've ever had. I went to work, but ended up leaving at noon in tears because my head was hurting so badly. It's time to seriously talk to the doctor about what I can do to battle the migraines. It's equally frustrating because I went so long without having one, and now I just seem to be having one after the other. Grrrr. I do not like having my life controled by how my head feels!
The fun part was hanging out at my brother's last night! (His finger is doing quite nicely, Thank You. :)) How it came about is a long story about Tony locking himself and the kid out of the apartment, and ended with pizza, subs, and Chris mixing really strong drinks. It wasn't what we had planned for the evening (like we even *had* plans), but was "way wicked" better!
On the knitting front: I'm slowly working my way through the second mitten. I'd have finished the cuff yesterday during lunch at work, but I forgot to stick it in my bag. Knitless at lunch...a tragic experience!
As I'm redoing the bathroom in yellow and blue, to match a very cool sun/stars mirror that I picked up at work, I decided that I'd need a rug to match. What's a knitter to do? Snag a free rug pattern off the 'net (PDF file), find yarn, and get to work!
The fun part was hanging out at my brother's last night! (His finger is doing quite nicely, Thank You. :)) How it came about is a long story about Tony locking himself and the kid out of the apartment, and ended with pizza, subs, and Chris mixing really strong drinks. It wasn't what we had planned for the evening (like we even *had* plans), but was "way wicked" better!
On the knitting front: I'm slowly working my way through the second mitten. I'd have finished the cuff yesterday during lunch at work, but I forgot to stick it in my bag. Knitless at lunch...a tragic experience!
As I'm redoing the bathroom in yellow and blue, to match a very cool sun/stars mirror that I picked up at work, I decided that I'd need a rug to match. What's a knitter to do? Snag a free rug pattern off the 'net (PDF file), find yarn, and get to work!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004
A Mitten for my Kitten
Sometimes I'll buy sock yarn with all the best intentions, but once I've begun the overriding feeling about it is "meh. As a sock it does not rock". So I'll rip the needles out and toss it in a drawer to germinate for a while.
I think this skein sat for two (?three?) years before the girlie latched onto it and asked me to knit a pair of mittens for her. Now that I can do!
One down, one to go.
After these I should see about making a pair of the thrummed mittens for Tony. It might be remotely possible that they would keep his hands warm, but knowing him I'm not going to get my hopes up too high.
I've also been commissioned by my friend Judy (I made a sweater for her granddaughter last Christmas, but I'll be darned if I can find a picture of it!) to make stockings for both of her grandkids. She'd also like stockings for all three of her sons-in-law! Those might be next year's project.
And, because I'm a lemming (See Sandy's October 6th entry), here's the view out my window today.
I think this skein sat for two (?three?) years before the girlie latched onto it and asked me to knit a pair of mittens for her. Now that I can do!

One down, one to go.
After these I should see about making a pair of the thrummed mittens for Tony. It might be remotely possible that they would keep his hands warm, but knowing him I'm not going to get my hopes up too high.
I've also been commissioned by my friend Judy (I made a sweater for her granddaughter last Christmas, but I'll be darned if I can find a picture of it!) to make stockings for both of her grandkids. She'd also like stockings for all three of her sons-in-law! Those might be next year's project.
And, because I'm a lemming (See Sandy's October 6th entry), here's the view out my window today.

Sunday, October 10, 2004
*Smacks Forehead*
Annie! Thank You for your ROAK of the audio books! What to download? Decisions...decisions...
Smooth Move, Grace!
So my baby brother (who's only just 13 months younger than me, and we're both closer to 40 than 30) was doing a favor for a friend. And in the process he managed to cut one of his fingers in half (!!!) with a table saw!!!
Good Grief Brother!
The good news, if there can be such thing, is that he did not cut the finger off! No, he cut the long way, from the fingernail down. (Picture pushing a piece of wood, with your hand on top guiding it, towards a rapidly moving blade. YEWOOCH!!!) He also somehow managed to miss the bones. So he's going to have plastic surgery on Wednesday to "put it back together", and who knows what his recovery time is going to be.
Sheesh, Chris! Wood good/flesh bad! It's waaaaay more than just a good idea!
Good Grief Brother!
The good news, if there can be such thing, is that he did not cut the finger off! No, he cut the long way, from the fingernail down. (Picture pushing a piece of wood, with your hand on top guiding it, towards a rapidly moving blade. YEWOOCH!!!) He also somehow managed to miss the bones. So he's going to have plastic surgery on Wednesday to "put it back together", and who knows what his recovery time is going to be.
Sheesh, Chris! Wood good/flesh bad! It's waaaaay more than just a good idea!
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Random bits
I am blessed (cursed?) with a very keen sense of smell. Tony says that I have the "weirdest nose" he's ever met. I am also, unfortunately, very prone to 'scent migraines', which can make things difficult at times.
Well, I had one last night that I think was triggered by the wool that I am knitting my shawl out of.
Except for the dye this is really very minimally processed. I've been picking bits and pieces of vegetable matter out of it and it does smell sort of 'sheepy' (or, as the small one said the first time she saw sheep: "Mom! They smell just like a sweater!") I'm just hoping that wool isn't going to be added to the long list of things that aren't allowed near my nasal passages!
Oh, my bathroom is being painted the same boring off white that the rest of the apartment is painted.
I doubt that anybody else would be able to tell a difference, but it's making me feel good.
I went out with the girlie yesterday to check out one of those instant "just add holiday" stores that popped up in the mall. As we're walking around, checking out the masks and costumes, we run into a display of women's breasts. Very large ones. As the small one is standing there starting at them I'm thinking: 'OK Kim, how are you going to explain this one?'
kid: "Mom?"
me: "Yes?"
kid: "Those are boobs! Naked ones!"
me: "Yes. Yes, they are."
kid (shaking head): "That is sooooo silly!"
And she heads off on her merry way...
Well, I had one last night that I think was triggered by the wool that I am knitting my shawl out of.

Except for the dye this is really very minimally processed. I've been picking bits and pieces of vegetable matter out of it and it does smell sort of 'sheepy' (or, as the small one said the first time she saw sheep: "Mom! They smell just like a sweater!") I'm just hoping that wool isn't going to be added to the long list of things that aren't allowed near my nasal passages!
Oh, my bathroom is being painted the same boring off white that the rest of the apartment is painted.

I went out with the girlie yesterday to check out one of those instant "just add holiday" stores that popped up in the mall. As we're walking around, checking out the masks and costumes, we run into a display of women's breasts. Very large ones. As the small one is standing there starting at them I'm thinking: 'OK Kim, how are you going to explain this one?'
kid: "Mom?"
me: "Yes?"
kid: "Those are boobs! Naked ones!"
me: "Yes. Yes, they are."
kid (shaking head): "That is sooooo silly!"
And she heads off on her merry way...
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
It was downright chilly here this morning, and I think it's kicked the knitting gene into high gear. I want to make socks, gloves, mittens, and "oh, yeah" {yikes?} it's only 11 weeks until Christmas and I have a couple of people that I want to make gifts for! Maybe if I start now I won't be weaving in ends at 11pm on Christmas eve...
Yeah, riiiiiight!
So, I've got my archives back up. No pictures before this September though. I have a couple of pages that I want to set up, finished projects and the like. I have some of my project pictures saved on my hard drive but, since many of them are in this apartment, I'll probably just take new pictures and really go from a fresh start.
Now, I really should go do something constructive. I've got my paint for the bathroom sitting in the hall staring at me. I need to take a trip to the pharmacy. I should do laundry.
I think I'll go knit while I decide what to do first.
Yeah, riiiiiight!
So, I've got my archives back up. No pictures before this September though. I have a couple of pages that I want to set up, finished projects and the like. I have some of my project pictures saved on my hard drive but, since many of them are in this apartment, I'll probably just take new pictures and really go from a fresh start.
Now, I really should go do something constructive. I've got my paint for the bathroom sitting in the hall staring at me. I need to take a trip to the pharmacy. I should do laundry.
I think I'll go knit while I decide what to do first.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004
I'ma gonna smooch the mailman!
Well, no, maybe not. I mean, it's not like he's the UPS guy or anything! However he did manage to make me a happy lady yesterday by delivering not one, but two packages!
Yes, that is the sideways striped cardigan pattern! I found three places online that carried it. The first didn't have it in stock, the second had a $25. order minimum (but I don't wanna spend $25.00), and the third was the charm!
The winner was The Mannings, who I will most certainly be doing business with again! For starters, I ordered it at I-don't-know-what-time on Friday night. I received an email on Saturday morning telling me it had shipped, and it was here Monday morning. On top of that, they adjusted the shipping amount and saved me some money. For that they get "three snaps in a Z formation"!
Now the scarf book I picked up from Most of it is "eh", but I do really like a couple of the patterns.
And...I've been bitten by a bug. Not an "I'm sick" bug, tho' if the way my daughter's nose has been running lately is any indication, that might also happen soon. No, I'm referring to the crochet bug.
Nope, can't start with a simple granny square, can I? I can't doggy paddle craft-wise. Only jumping off the high dive will do! I will admit that this is hours worth of work, and my pinky was very cramped from holding the thread by the time I packed it in for the night!
Speaking of time to pack it in...are you still reading this?
{edited because I like repeat repeating myself}

Yes, that is the sideways striped cardigan pattern! I found three places online that carried it. The first didn't have it in stock, the second had a $25. order minimum (but I don't wanna spend $25.00), and the third was the charm!
The winner was The Mannings, who I will most certainly be doing business with again! For starters, I ordered it at I-don't-know-what-time on Friday night. I received an email on Saturday morning telling me it had shipped, and it was here Monday morning. On top of that, they adjusted the shipping amount and saved me some money. For that they get "three snaps in a Z formation"!
Now the scarf book I picked up from Most of it is "eh", but I do really like a couple of the patterns.
And...I've been bitten by a bug. Not an "I'm sick" bug, tho' if the way my daughter's nose has been running lately is any indication, that might also happen soon. No, I'm referring to the crochet bug.

Nope, can't start with a simple granny square, can I? I can't doggy paddle craft-wise. Only jumping off the high dive will do! I will admit that this is hours worth of work, and my pinky was very cramped from holding the thread by the time I packed it in for the night!
Speaking of time to pack it in...are you still reading this?

{edited because I like repeat repeating myself}
Sunday, October 03, 2004
For today's matchup

Bound to be a good game!
I've done 10 repeats of the shawl pattern. I'd have done more, but I ended up being sucked into the book "Plain Truth" by Jodi Picoult. A very good read. Now I've begun
I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb. I read She's Come Undone a few years ago. And, while I did finish it, the main character ticked me off for some reason. We'll see what this book dose to me.
But, HEY! Game time!
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