Thursday, October 21, 2004


Well, we ended up having a wickedly late night last night, and it had nothing to do with the Red Sox win (as awesome as it was). No, it had everything to do with the kid developing a really bad case of the croup and us having to drag her to the hospital in the middle of the night when nothing we did here helped!

Ah, the joys of having kids! Fortunately this was the first time we had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night! We're keeping our fingers crossed that it's another six years before we have to do it again.

As a result of our nocturnal trip, we're all dragging our butts around here today. (Yes, we all stayed home today. We weren't going to try to get the small one up at 8a.m. when she had been up until 3! And Tony knew he wasn't going to be able to function on less then three hours sleep.) Irina's the only one who hasn't taken a nap today, but I'm expecting a really early bed time for her tonight.

I'm sure that I have something crafty that I could post about, but I'm a little brain dead right now. So I'll just send you over to admire the filet crochet panel that Kim Brody Salazar has done over at String or Nothing. It's inspired me to start one of my own using a pattern from a cross stitch silhouette book that I own. I'll put up a picture when it actually looks like something.

Oh, and I finally finished painting my bathroom yesterday. How on earth did it manage to take me three weeks to paint an ity-bity room?

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