Well, it will be once I'm done with it!
I've taken the pattern from
Knitting Fair Isle Mittens and Gloves and, while I'm enjoying it, it's been an experience. The book gives a basic glove pattern, and then instructs to "Change the number of stitches to fit the motif" that you decide upon.
Now normally that wouldn't bother me. It's just a little math, right? But last night, for some reason, I just could not wrap my brain around figuring out how to knit the pinkie! It didn't matter what I did, the pattern stitch was not fitting, and I could not figure out why! I started and then tore the thing out about six times before giving up in disgust.
Obviously my subconscious chewed it over while I was sleeping*, because when I woke up at 6:30 this morning, and I had the answer! I needed two more stitches to do the pattern. Of course, if I pick up those two stitches from the glove it will throw the stitches off for the rest of the fingers. I'm just going to have to adjust the pattern to fit the number of stitches that I want to use. Not a biggie, and the only person who will know the difference is me!
(*Am I the only one who wakes up thinking about knitting? (O.k., for some of you I'm sure it's photoshop

Yesterday morning I made the trek in the snow to but yarn to make a sweater for the kid. That was a mistake! Not buying yarn (how could that be a mistake?), but the driving! It took me 45 minutes to do what's usually a 15 minute drive. It wouldn't have been so bad, I actually like driving in the snow (more proof that I'm weird), but by the time I was half way there my body was already telling me that I had had too much coffee. And then it turned out that I was early and needed to wait 10 minutes for the store to open! Yikes! Happily, life smiled at me, and they opened the door a few minutes early.
So I picked out yarn (Cascade 220) to make this sweater for the girlie:

and in her favorite colors:

It's going to be wonderful when it's finished, but so far all it's done is remind me just how much I hate doing seed and moss stitches!
(Gee, what a long post! Is it obvious that I'm trying to put off doing laundry?)
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