The past few weeks have just been a little busy.
We've just switched over to a new computerized POS (register) system at work, and it's like we jumped from the Dark Ages straight into the 23rd Century. The transition hasn't really been all that difficult for me, but it's been a huge change. And since I work in receiving, the stress really has been on accuracy. What's the point of having a high tech system that tracks every item in stock if the receiving is screwed up?
On top of adjusting to the new system, my immediate supervisor has been pulled away by the president of the company to be her assistant. She is still my supervisor (which is a blessing that I will not deny, the woman is awesome), but she's not able to do much of the day-to-day stuff in the department. As a result of that, I offered to pick up some more hours. Hey, it's more money to
buy yarn pay bills with, which is always handy!
I haven't been doing a ton on the knitting front. I finished the glove that I had been working on and, to tell the truth, I really don't like the way it came out. It just feels...funky. I don't like the way that the thumb comes off of the palm, instead of the side. And it caused me untold stress doing the fingers for some stupid reason. As a result, I have given myself permission to
not make the second glove. Why should I bother, if I'm just going to dislike the process? Chalk it up as another learning experience.
I have been slowly working on my
Peacock shawl, sometimes only a row or two a night. I'm trying so hard to avoid mistakes, but they creep in anyway. As long as they're not glaringly enormous I'll be the only one who will be able to see them anyway. At least, that's what I keep telling myself!
I'm also working on a sock from some yarn that I bought from
Elann forever ago. I'd forgotten how much fun turning a heel is. (Yes, I think it's fun! I'm just a wild woman.)
I also took the time to skein and wash a cone's worth of some very sheepy smelling light blue wool that I purchased in Vermont two summers ago. I'd like to be able to use it, but the smell gives me migraines! I also have some dark blue that I was trying to make a shawl out of. It's also going to get the skein and wash treatment.
My husband didn't even blink when he came home from work at midnight to find this in the kitchen.

I don't know why I had never thought of hanging yarn on the cabinet doors above the sink to dry! It was sheer brilliance I tell you! (OK, maybe not brilliant, but pretty darn clever all the same)
Next up is going to be some experiments in dyeing with
Wilton icing dyes. There's a pattern in the book
Dazzling Knits that I like, but I know that finding just the right colors of yarn for it would be difficult. I might as well do my own. If nothing else, I'll get a fun afternoon of playing with color and yarn out of it. And maybe *gasp* it will be another learning experience!
The Thrills and Chills will continue, I'm sure!