(sorry about the glare from the tinfoil! I didn't want to 'dye' the cabinets, and I had run out of wax paper to use)
This was so cool to do, and so much fun! I started by soaking the yarn in a lobster pot of water and white vinegar for about an hour. I used a Pyrex pie plate to hold the yarn under, and no, I'm not sure how much vinegar I used! I think it was about half of a 16oz bottle.
Then I took two of the skeins and layered them around the edge of a casserole dish. I used red, blue, green and yellow (which turned orange) icing colorings. I'm not at all sure just how much coloring I used. Maybe about 1/8th of a teaspoon in a small squeeze bottle? (Can I be any more precise?) I filled the bottle twice for each color so I could make sure the yarn was good and saturated.
Then I nuked the yarn. Two minutes on high and then a two minute rest, which I did three times. Then I let it sit for a little while to cool off.
After that I moved the yarn to the sink so I could rinse it. I lost a lot of excess dye in the rinsing, and I wonder if that's something that might not have happened if I had 'cooked' it a little longer. Whatever. I'm certainly not complaining! The colors are fabulous!
The really fun thing was the way that the blue dye took. It's very blue in some spots, but it also faded to that really funky purple too!
I have four more skeins of white wool left, and I don't know how long I'll be able to hold off buying more! I mean, this was *so* much fun to do! And I have to admit that I am really pleasantly surprised with the results. But, next time, I really am going to have to remember to wear gloves...

(Oh, who am I kidding? I got a major kick out of poeple looking at
me and going: "What did you do to your hands?!?")
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