Saturday, March 30, 2002

I'm singing the "got no car, got no husband, got no child for the night blues..."

I've been feeling really crabby and trapped lately, so Tony has taken Irina and gone to his parents for the night, leaving me all by my lonesome. They'll do Easter day with them and his family, and then come home late tomorrow sometime after lunch at his sisters house. I will miss not being there, but I have also been on the edge of a migraine all day, and his family is so huge...I'd have just ended up sitting in a corner, trying to count stitches, and feeling unsociable and nauseous from the headache.

Which leaves me with what to do with my evening. I was going to do some baking, but I'm out of a few key ingredients. I had a passing thought of stopping at the grocery store on the way home from work, but a look at the line just waiting to get into the parking lot quickly killed that idea! ( I may be crazy, but I ain't nuts!) So I think I'm just going to park my butt on the couch and have a scary movie fest!

And the choices are:(in no particular order)The Uninvited,The Legend of Hell House, and The Haunting (The original! I refuse to see the remake). All good, goosebumpy, hair on the back of the neck raising movies, with a minimum of gore! The Haunting is easily my favorite; but it's been a while since I've seen The Uninvited..where to start, where to start...

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