Friday, March 29, 2002

Really draggy day yesterday, but today is definately better. I spent a good part of the day yesterday working on the holder for my camera, which turned into more of a small purse. Finished the strap when I got home from work today. Tonight I'll drop it in some boiling water and see if I can felt it down a little bit. I knit it a little tight, so I don't know if it'll go far; but if it firms up a bit I'll be happy.

Did some Easter egg dying with the small one. She wasn't ready for it last year, but she really got into it this time. I did take some pictures, so I'll see if I can get something posted later. Must to dinner...

Here we go...Irina was partial to the red one...

How strange...looking at the second picture I realized that she has my profile...It isn't often that I look at her and think:"Yeah, she looks like me". Tony has informed me that she definitely has my crafting gene, she always wants to be doing 'something'. It's nice to know that despite all the messing up I'm doing as a parent I am passing on something good...

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