The small one and I picked up Grandma (my Mum) this morning and took her with us to my favorite LYS. I want to make a sweater for my girlfriend's new baby, and needed to find a pattern and yarn. Irina helped me pick the pattern, and I picked out some Sirdar yarn in white and varigated blue. I'm looking forward to making this sweater except for one thing. The yarn is an acrylic/nylon mix. I am such a huge yarn snob that the thought of working with acrylic is making me go "Eeeewwww"! (I really am bad!) But I know that this is going to be for a baby, so I bow to the fact that I need to make it out of highly washable material!
I also picked up a few more sweater patterns, and a couple of skeins of Opal sock yarn. They appear to be in the "Mexico" line, nice and bright and colorful. It'll be fun to see how they work up.
Tony and I watched Harry Potter last night. That was fun! We loved the girl that was chosen to play Hermoine, she had that know-it-all brat thing down perfectly! I made it almost all the way to the heel turning on the 'Pearls' sock and forced myself to stop for the night.
I also figured out that when it complete this 'Quilt pattern' coat that I'm designing it'll have 101,520 stitches! And that is before I put a collar and any embellishment on it! 8,100 done so far! (Why did DH look at me so strangely when I told him that? Can anyone explain that to me, please?)
Well, must go swatch and begin this sweater. My goal is to have it done in a week, and seeing as this is a baby sweater that shouldn't be too much of a problem!
Thursday, May 30, 2002
Wednesday, May 29, 2002
The "original" Carolyn Keene, ghostwriter Mildred Wirt Benson, passed away at the age of 95! I read every single Nancy Drew book the summer that I turned 10, the hardcover editions with the yellow spine (I think those where the 1950's updating, not the original '20's/'30's version). Just tore through the shelf in the library at the rate of one a day, much to the amazement of the librarian.
Thank You, Mildred!
Thank You, Mildred!
Well, I am thrilled to say that the small one is not sick. She is, however, in the middle of another growth spurt! I swear that she did nothing but eat yesterday! And eat, and eat, and eat some more...I do think that I should have measured how tall she was yesterday morning, because I have the feeling that she is a few inches taller this morning! Amazing how kids do that!
I actually managed to get some knitting done yesterday! I've been so involved in trying to more my site to it's new host (figuring out how to rebuild everything on my computer to ftp it rather than using an on-line editor), that I've been sitting at this computer getting frustrated and neglecting the fun stuff! When I start getting too cranky I go pick up something to work on. Usually in the act of counting stitches or winding a new bobbin the answer to whatever it is that's flipping me out crystalizes.
Come to think of it, I did a lot of knitting yesterday...*grin*
I actually managed to get some knitting done yesterday! I've been so involved in trying to more my site to it's new host (figuring out how to rebuild everything on my computer to ftp it rather than using an on-line editor), that I've been sitting at this computer getting frustrated and neglecting the fun stuff! When I start getting too cranky I go pick up something to work on. Usually in the act of counting stitches or winding a new bobbin the answer to whatever it is that's flipping me out crystalizes.
Come to think of it, I did a lot of knitting yesterday...*grin*
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Monday, May 27, 2002
Damn! I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and I hate it! Hate it! HAte It! HATe IT! HATE IT!!!
I hate getting trapped in that chair. I hate the light. I hate having someone else's fingers in my mouth. I hate getting scraped, flossed and polished. It's awful. It's terrible. It makes me nervous enough to want to puke.
Everyone tells me to :"Just sit back and relax". They don't understand the outright PANIC I feel when I sit in that chair. I don't know why. I can't name a reason. It's just there. I wonder how much sleep I'll get tonight.
I am going to the bookstore after my ordeal and buying myself a knitting book as a gift if I survive.
Damn, I hate being like this!
I hate getting trapped in that chair. I hate the light. I hate having someone else's fingers in my mouth. I hate getting scraped, flossed and polished. It's awful. It's terrible. It makes me nervous enough to want to puke.
Everyone tells me to :"Just sit back and relax". They don't understand the outright PANIC I feel when I sit in that chair. I don't know why. I can't name a reason. It's just there. I wonder how much sleep I'll get tonight.
I am going to the bookstore after my ordeal and buying myself a knitting book as a gift if I survive.
Damn, I hate being like this!
Saturday, May 25, 2002
Ok, a day late, but here's my Friday Five ! (Which seems really apropriate after the dreams I've been having this week!
1. What's the last vivid dream that you remember having? Just a few days ago! I has a dream that someone had come in and completely cleaned our apartment! You could have eaten off the kitchen floor. Everything was neat, tidy, put away, and there was no fear of stepping on a stray toy in the middle of the night. Imagine my dissapointment when I woke up!!!
2. Do you have any recurring dreams? I have several. I have the same dream every time I've moved. In it (I kid you not), I am being attacked by hundreds of little Pillsbury Dough Boys. With axes and knives. And they're all doing that annoying little giggle.
I hate the Pillsbury Dough Boy.
3. What's the scariest nightmare you've ever had?Something had happened to my daughter, and I could not get to her.
4. Have you ever written your dreams down or considered it? Why or why not? I use to, but I haven't in a long time. Something about needing coffee to get my fingers working in the morning to write. The good ones stick with me for a long time.
5. Have you ever had a lucid dream? What did you do in it? I lucid dream some of my more reccuring dreams. In my favorite one I'm exploring a big old cemetery, reading the stones and checking out the carvings. I've reached the point that I can recognize the dream as soon as it starts, and can mostly control where I am going and what I am looking at. It was a dream that started as a scary one the first time I had it, but has become comforting over time.
That's me in all my technicolor glory. And, yes, I do dream in color! Vividly!
1. What's the last vivid dream that you remember having? Just a few days ago! I has a dream that someone had come in and completely cleaned our apartment! You could have eaten off the kitchen floor. Everything was neat, tidy, put away, and there was no fear of stepping on a stray toy in the middle of the night. Imagine my dissapointment when I woke up!!!
2. Do you have any recurring dreams? I have several. I have the same dream every time I've moved. In it (I kid you not), I am being attacked by hundreds of little Pillsbury Dough Boys. With axes and knives. And they're all doing that annoying little giggle.
I hate the Pillsbury Dough Boy.
3. What's the scariest nightmare you've ever had?Something had happened to my daughter, and I could not get to her.
4. Have you ever written your dreams down or considered it? Why or why not? I use to, but I haven't in a long time. Something about needing coffee to get my fingers working in the morning to write. The good ones stick with me for a long time.
5. Have you ever had a lucid dream? What did you do in it? I lucid dream some of my more reccuring dreams. In my favorite one I'm exploring a big old cemetery, reading the stones and checking out the carvings. I've reached the point that I can recognize the dream as soon as it starts, and can mostly control where I am going and what I am looking at. It was a dream that started as a scary one the first time I had it, but has become comforting over time.
That's me in all my technicolor glory. And, yes, I do dream in color! Vividly!
Thank you to Theresa for these most cool questions!
1. Where were you born? What do you know about your own birth? (time, circumstance, etc...) I was born on July 11,1967 at two minutes before midnight in Natick, Massachusetts. I was a breech birth, backend first!
2. Do you have a baby picture you can put onto your weblog? If not, tell us what you looked like as a baby.I don't have a picture of me (I tried, but my scanner is acting crabby) Instead I offer a picture of my mother. As children we looked very much alike! I remember being amazed as a child when I said that I didn't remember having the photo taken, and being told it wasn't me! (The women in my maternal line, all of us have a close resemblence)

3. What kind of a baby or toddler were you according to the people who were around when you were young?According to my parents I was the fat, happy kid who just sat there and smiled at everyone.
4. Know any cute baby-related anecdotes? Other than the fact that I could say "Supercalafragalisticexpealidocious" at the age of three or four, nope!
1. Where were you born? What do you know about your own birth? (time, circumstance, etc...) I was born on July 11,1967 at two minutes before midnight in Natick, Massachusetts. I was a breech birth, backend first!
2. Do you have a baby picture you can put onto your weblog? If not, tell us what you looked like as a baby.I don't have a picture of me (I tried, but my scanner is acting crabby) Instead I offer a picture of my mother. As children we looked very much alike! I remember being amazed as a child when I said that I didn't remember having the photo taken, and being told it wasn't me! (The women in my maternal line, all of us have a close resemblence)
3. What kind of a baby or toddler were you according to the people who were around when you were young?According to my parents I was the fat, happy kid who just sat there and smiled at everyone.
4. Know any cute baby-related anecdotes? Other than the fact that I could say "Supercalafragalisticexpealidocious" at the age of three or four, nope!
Friday, May 24, 2002
Yipes! I just signed up with a new hosting company so I can move my blog and web site and all the other happy stuff I got to one place (I tried moving the blog to my current hosting company, but it was just too much a pain in the tush) And I can just use my address instead of the whole huge angelfire address. I am having it forwarded, but it's still annoying to me. It'll be a couple of days until things change. I'll let y'all know.
My doctors appointment went well. My blood pressure, which was wickedly high 6 weeks ago, is back down to an acceptable level. It would go even lower if I got off my butt and lost weight! It's time. I've been putting off getting motivated way too long. No excuses now! I did walk to the doctor and back, so it's a start.
And, since I have the day to myself, I went to a bakery in the center of town, had an ice coffee, and indulged in some K.I.P. (Knitting In Public) before walking home. This is the kind of town that ignores anything unusual, so people just skated their glances over me, as if I had three heads or green skin or something-which just made me more determined to K.I.P. more often!
My doctors appointment went well. My blood pressure, which was wickedly high 6 weeks ago, is back down to an acceptable level. It would go even lower if I got off my butt and lost weight! It's time. I've been putting off getting motivated way too long. No excuses now! I did walk to the doctor and back, so it's a start.
And, since I have the day to myself, I went to a bakery in the center of town, had an ice coffee, and indulged in some K.I.P. (Knitting In Public) before walking home. This is the kind of town that ignores anything unusual, so people just skated their glances over me, as if I had three heads or green skin or something-which just made me more determined to K.I.P. more often!
Thursday, May 23, 2002
Gadzooks! It's been a busy few days...
First off, is anyone having trouble reading my blog? Because I looked on it on my Mom's 'puter last night and it looked like crap! I'm wondering if it has something to do with the connection that she has, because some of the other Blogspot blogs looked yucky! I'm wondering if a revamp might be in the works. (But I really like this template... *sniff*)
I've been really taken by the Kaffe Fassett sweater coat in the new "Special All Men's Edition" of Vogue Knitting. It's just what I like: Oversized, roomy... Heck! It might even fit me. But, as much as I like it, I figured that I could only like it more if it was in eye-poppingly bright colors...and if I was going to do that, maybe if I gave the colors a specific placement...Yeah! Like a quilt pattern! So if I took the basic shape from the pattern, and found the yarn that I wanted to use, and applied my own gauge to it, and, and, and...!!!
...This is where my husband threatened to douse me with cold water until I calmed down...
So it was a trip to the lys yesterday morning to fondle, and buy, for yet another project (like I need it!) I've got this black image in my head (to make the bright colors just that much brighter), and picked out a few other colors. They didn't have two that I wanted in the yarn that I chose (Cascade 200), so I bought a few skeins of white that I promptly dyed with easter egg dye when I returned home! They turned out rather well, if I do say so myself!
Anyhoo, I dyed, nuked, rinsed, wound bobbins, and worked on the ribbing for the back during the afternoon. Then I got to bring the small one to her grandparents for a few hours so Tony and I could go on an actual *date*!!! Imagine...dinner talking to no one but ourselves, being able to finish a conversation, not to mention just a sentence! Being able to look down to read a menu instead of up! Doesn't happen nearly often enough! *grin*
Today Irina & I took a drive to visit with some knitting buddies. It's a shame that the people I know in the area who knit live a distance away. At least I know some! (We need an S&B here in the 'burbs!) We sat in the backyard while the kids ran each other ragged on the swingset, and just generally had a good time knitting and nattering! Later our hostess took us on a walk in some conservation land that borders her neighborhood, and Irina practiced her superlative bug finding skills. A generally pleasant morning was had by all.
This afternoon was, well, nap central!
My goodness, I have rambled on! Oh well. Except for the inconverience of a Dr. appointment tomorrow I have the whole day to myself! Time, glorious time to do with whatever I want! (I am getting rather spoiled this week, ain't I?)
First off, is anyone having trouble reading my blog? Because I looked on it on my Mom's 'puter last night and it looked like crap! I'm wondering if it has something to do with the connection that she has, because some of the other Blogspot blogs looked yucky! I'm wondering if a revamp might be in the works. (But I really like this template... *sniff*)
I've been really taken by the Kaffe Fassett sweater coat in the new "Special All Men's Edition" of Vogue Knitting. It's just what I like: Oversized, roomy... Heck! It might even fit me. But, as much as I like it, I figured that I could only like it more if it was in eye-poppingly bright colors...and if I was going to do that, maybe if I gave the colors a specific placement...Yeah! Like a quilt pattern! So if I took the basic shape from the pattern, and found the yarn that I wanted to use, and applied my own gauge to it, and, and, and...!!!
...This is where my husband threatened to douse me with cold water until I calmed down...
So it was a trip to the lys yesterday morning to fondle, and buy, for yet another project (like I need it!) I've got this black image in my head (to make the bright colors just that much brighter), and picked out a few other colors. They didn't have two that I wanted in the yarn that I chose (Cascade 200), so I bought a few skeins of white that I promptly dyed with easter egg dye when I returned home! They turned out rather well, if I do say so myself!
Anyhoo, I dyed, nuked, rinsed, wound bobbins, and worked on the ribbing for the back during the afternoon. Then I got to bring the small one to her grandparents for a few hours so Tony and I could go on an actual *date*!!! Imagine...dinner talking to no one but ourselves, being able to finish a conversation, not to mention just a sentence! Being able to look down to read a menu instead of up! Doesn't happen nearly often enough! *grin*
Today Irina & I took a drive to visit with some knitting buddies. It's a shame that the people I know in the area who knit live a distance away. At least I know some! (We need an S&B here in the 'burbs!) We sat in the backyard while the kids ran each other ragged on the swingset, and just generally had a good time knitting and nattering! Later our hostess took us on a walk in some conservation land that borders her neighborhood, and Irina practiced her superlative bug finding skills. A generally pleasant morning was had by all.
This afternoon was, well, nap central!
My goodness, I have rambled on! Oh well. Except for the inconverience of a Dr. appointment tomorrow I have the whole day to myself! Time, glorious time to do with whatever I want! (I am getting rather spoiled this week, ain't I?)
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
As promised (now that I got my blog back again) pictures of the sock thus far!

This is a turned cuff, so I did this part and then turned it inside out to continue down the leg. I've actually gotten as far as getting the first line of the quote done, but the batteries in my camera are failing quickly, so you'll have to wait for mor pics.(tho' I guess I could always scan it-Nah! Rather be knitting right now!)
And, because I know ya wanna see it

The cuff from the inside! With many ends to weave in. If I were clever I suppose that I'd do it now. But I'm too excited by the way this is turning out to stop and do something as menial as finishing work! *grin*
I wonder how much I can get done in the half hour of solitude I still have this afternoon...
This is a turned cuff, so I did this part and then turned it inside out to continue down the leg. I've actually gotten as far as getting the first line of the quote done, but the batteries in my camera are failing quickly, so you'll have to wait for mor pics.(tho' I guess I could always scan it-Nah! Rather be knitting right now!)
And, because I know ya wanna see it
The cuff from the inside! With many ends to weave in. If I were clever I suppose that I'd do it now. But I'm too excited by the way this is turning out to stop and do something as menial as finishing work! *grin*
I wonder how much I can get done in the half hour of solitude I still have this afternoon...
Sunday, May 19, 2002
I finally got the ambition to start the "Pearls of Wisdom" socks last night! They have an unusual cast on. It's almost like a chain cast on, where you knit into the back of crochet loops, but you don't 'unzip' the crocheting at the end-it becomes part of the design of the sock. Pretty cool (and rather pretty), but it took forever to do!
So, I'm about halfway up the turned cuff and I'm liking the way it's working up so far. I'll post a picture of my progress later (tomorrow, the next day), when I feel like I have something worth posting!
So, I'm about halfway up the turned cuff and I'm liking the way it's working up so far. I'll post a picture of my progress later (tomorrow, the next day), when I feel like I have something worth posting!
Friday, May 17, 2002
What are they thinking?
There are two skeins of Opal tiger sock yarn on ebay. Each of them has bids of over $30!!! Now, I do like Opal yarn. The times I have used it I like it and I do have some in my stash waiting for me. I also think that the "tiger striping" pattern that the yarn makes is really cool. spend over $30. for one skein of Sock Yarn???
I don't get it...
There are two skeins of Opal tiger sock yarn on ebay. Each of them has bids of over $30!!! Now, I do like Opal yarn. The times I have used it I like it and I do have some in my stash waiting for me. I also think that the "tiger striping" pattern that the yarn makes is really cool. spend over $30. for one skein of Sock Yarn???
I don't get it...
Thursday, May 16, 2002
Well, I did finally do some knitting yesterday. Only about half a dozen rows on the back of a pink cotton cardigan that I'm playing with (making it up as I go along), but at least it was something.
I got my girlies crafty genes working yesterday! We painted some ziti noodles different colors and when they were dry stringed them into a necklace. Something quick and easy for me, and a feeling of great accomplishment for her!
I'm actually blowing off meeting some friends to knit this morning, just not in the mood. I think I'll drag Irina to the bookstore this morning. I want to pick up the new knitting magazines that are out and look through the books on Javascript to see if there's something in them that I can actually understand! (And, having finished Outlander in record time I need something else to read!)
I got my girlies crafty genes working yesterday! We painted some ziti noodles different colors and when they were dry stringed them into a necklace. Something quick and easy for me, and a feeling of great accomplishment for her!
I'm actually blowing off meeting some friends to knit this morning, just not in the mood. I think I'll drag Irina to the bookstore this morning. I want to pick up the new knitting magazines that are out and look through the books on Javascript to see if there's something in them that I can actually understand! (And, having finished Outlander in record time I need something else to read!)
Wednesday, May 15, 2002
Here it is, another day. Haven't done any knitting for a couple of days, feeling rather uninspired (that and I've been spending way to much time with my butt planted in front of the 'puter). I know that I just have to get myself started and let the rhythm of the knitting take over, but I don't know what's holding me back. I usually just dive head first into my projects. I should just schedule a time with myself today, sit down, and Do It!
Sounds like a plan...
Tony left at 7:30 this morning to head out to his parents for his Aunt Martha's funeral. If we had managed to go out last night and spend the night at his parents, we'd have gone too. Life just didn't work that way this time. I'm sad that I didn't go, but I did say "goodbye" to Martha already. I also didn't really want to see her there in her coffin (All together now:"Eeewwwwww"). She was an incredible warm, vibrant, alive person. I'd prefer to remember her that way. (They're singing the Star Spangled Banner at the funeral in honor of Martha being a WW II veteran, must find out more about that!)
I went out and used my computer store gift card to go toward a Aiptek Hyperpen 8000U, and it's driving me nuts! The pen and cordless mouse aren't working!!! BooHooHoo!! That means going back and exchanging it for something else, which I expect them to give me no end of crap about. (CompUSA has some pretty restrictive return policies) Maybe I'll try going through Aiptek and see if they have any suggestions, or can send me a new one. I just want the pen, I don't even care about the mouse! (A cordless mouse in this apartment? I think not! Do you know how fast something without a cord would dissapear? LOL! Ask me where the VCR remote is!)
Well, I suppose that I should go take a shower or something and get this day moving...
Sounds like a plan...
Tony left at 7:30 this morning to head out to his parents for his Aunt Martha's funeral. If we had managed to go out last night and spend the night at his parents, we'd have gone too. Life just didn't work that way this time. I'm sad that I didn't go, but I did say "goodbye" to Martha already. I also didn't really want to see her there in her coffin (All together now:"Eeewwwwww"). She was an incredible warm, vibrant, alive person. I'd prefer to remember her that way. (They're singing the Star Spangled Banner at the funeral in honor of Martha being a WW II veteran, must find out more about that!)
I went out and used my computer store gift card to go toward a Aiptek Hyperpen 8000U, and it's driving me nuts! The pen and cordless mouse aren't working!!! BooHooHoo!! That means going back and exchanging it for something else, which I expect them to give me no end of crap about. (CompUSA has some pretty restrictive return policies) Maybe I'll try going through Aiptek and see if they have any suggestions, or can send me a new one. I just want the pen, I don't even care about the mouse! (A cordless mouse in this apartment? I think not! Do you know how fast something without a cord would dissapear? LOL! Ask me where the VCR remote is!)
Well, I suppose that I should go take a shower or something and get this day moving...
Monday, May 13, 2002
Sunday, May 12, 2002
My Mother's Day flowers from my Sweeties

My gifts were Nancy Bush's Folk Socks book, and a gift card to buy some software for the computer.(Socks and computer stuff, does he know me or what?)
Dinner will be take out from the Japanese restaurant down the street. Because we know nothing about Japanese food, our method of ordering is to close our eyes and randomly point at things on the menu. Yes, we are adventurous eaters, as long as it isn't too spicy. Our only complaint about the squid salad I picked up at one point was that the marinade was too strong and we couldn't taste the squid at all!
I've jumped on the Outlander bandwagon! I had to go buy a new copy because I think my old one is now residing with a sister-in-law somewhere. I needed something good to read that I haven't read six times already! Now if someone could suggest a good book on basic javascript my current "I need to learn" obsession can continue...
My gifts were Nancy Bush's Folk Socks book, and a gift card to buy some software for the computer.(Socks and computer stuff, does he know me or what?)
Dinner will be take out from the Japanese restaurant down the street. Because we know nothing about Japanese food, our method of ordering is to close our eyes and randomly point at things on the menu. Yes, we are adventurous eaters, as long as it isn't too spicy. Our only complaint about the squid salad I picked up at one point was that the marinade was too strong and we couldn't taste the squid at all!
I've jumped on the Outlander bandwagon! I had to go buy a new copy because I think my old one is now residing with a sister-in-law somewhere. I needed something good to read that I haven't read six times already! Now if someone could suggest a good book on basic javascript my current "I need to learn" obsession can continue...
Friday, May 10, 2002
I finally got to get out of my office today and do some "real" work at work today. Planted cosmos, mums, helped repot some tomato plants into larger pots. Lovely, lovely dirt under my fingernails! (When did I become that kind of girl?) Then I helped move the tomato plants from one greenhouse to another. Have you ever moved a 12" pot filled with wet dirt? They are freakin' heavy! And I am wickedly out of shape.
I am in pain. Oooooowwwwww.....
I may work on my raspberry shawl after I have the small one in bed, but I don't see any great knitting n my future tonight. I barely see 10pm in my future tonight. Methinks an early beddie-bye for Kim with her book (and ibuprofin) is in the cards.
I am in pain. Oooooowwwwww.....
I may work on my raspberry shawl after I have the small one in bed, but I don't see any great knitting n my future tonight. I barely see 10pm in my future tonight. Methinks an early beddie-bye for Kim with her book (and ibuprofin) is in the cards.
Thursday, May 09, 2002
Finally did a swatch last night that I could live with! Now I feel like I can finally start, after I get through doing what I was going to do yesterday and didn't:
Go to the fabric store and get a different pattern for Irina's pants ('cause I decided I hated the other one. And don't forget elastic!)
Go to the mall and buy myself some new jeans (Mine are becoming indecent)
Go to Target and buy 2 new laundry baskets (The duct tape just isn't holding the handles on anymore)
...There was something else...what was it?...Oh well, it'll come to me...
Go to the fabric store and get a different pattern for Irina's pants ('cause I decided I hated the other one. And don't forget elastic!)
Go to the mall and buy myself some new jeans (Mine are becoming indecent)
Go to Target and buy 2 new laundry baskets (The duct tape just isn't holding the handles on anymore)
...There was something else...what was it?...Oh well, it'll come to me...
Wednesday, May 08, 2002
So not much knitting content lately. I'm just kinda hanging back right now, trying to get the urge up to try swatching the sock again.
It's frustrating. My approach to knitting is:"If I can read the directions, I can knit it", and I'm having trouble with this. Grrrrrr...I will get it. I will figure it out. It's just going to drive me crazy until I do.
I hate swatching. I rather just DO IT!
It's frustrating. My approach to knitting is:"If I can read the directions, I can knit it", and I'm having trouble with this. Grrrrrr...I will get it. I will figure it out. It's just going to drive me crazy until I do.
I hate swatching. I rather just DO IT!
Am I the only one who was quite taken by this image? I fell in love when it when I first saw it.
There's a list of everyone who's done a "Got Milk" ad on the official Why Milk site.
There's a list of everyone who's done a "Got Milk" ad on the official Why Milk site.
Tuesday, May 07, 2002
Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
Too Funny! Because I was Goth! (Tho' I think we just called it "punk" in our wickedly upper class high school. Something else to irritate the 'rents with!)
(I found this at Fillyjonk)
Monday, May 06, 2002
Hmmm...Watching VH1's 100 Greatest Moments on TV yesterday I came to the definite conclusion that Dick Clark is really the Comte de Saint-Germain. I don't think the man has ever aged.
Sunday, May 05, 2002
Trying to swatch this sock is really ticking me off. While I love the colors of the wool I'm using, I hate the way it feels! (It's Brown Sheep Nature Spun) It's got that itchy, scratchy "wool" feeling, not at all like the Lorna's Laces yarn that I just finished using (which was a dream).
Hmmm...The pattern calls for sport weight, but I do have some sock weight Brown Sheep on order in white so I can play with dying it. Maybe I'll just wait until that shows up and see if it feels any different. I know the gauge will be different, but I knit funky, so maybe it won't be that far off.
*Pout* I always get so crabby when things don't work out the way that I want them to.
Hmmm...The pattern calls for sport weight, but I do have some sock weight Brown Sheep on order in white so I can play with dying it. Maybe I'll just wait until that shows up and see if it feels any different. I know the gauge will be different, but I knit funky, so maybe it won't be that far off.
*Pout* I always get so crabby when things don't work out the way that I want them to.
Random Thought:
WooHoo! Eight weeks to the Vermont Quilt Festival!!! Must double check Inn reservations...
WooHoo! Eight weeks to the Vermont Quilt Festival!!! Must double check Inn reservations...
Saturday, May 04, 2002
Friday, May 03, 2002
The socks have finally made it to their new home! Mom was happy, Dad wasn't thrilled with the color; but it's not like I made them for him! *Sheesh!* (His would have been lime green! *Nyah-nyah-nyah!*)
Thank you all so much for your compliments on them! It means a lot that you liked them after I've been comparing my measly work to the stuff I've seen you all do! ("They LIKE me! They really LIKE me!")
Well, the yarn that I ordered for my next pair of socks was delivered at work (I have UPS ship to me at work because it's a pain in the tush to have to wait around the apartment when you don't know just when things are showing up, and then you have to schedule a redelivery because they won't just leave it, and then you have to wait around again...And so on, and so on...)
Anyhoo, that sock yarn that I had delivered at work is still there.
At work.
Sitting in my locker.
Doing me no good what so ever.
It's not such the trauma it seems, because I'll be back there tomorrow; but it is still kind of irritating. (It was more irritating when I was in the car, half way between work, runnning late to pick Irina up at preschool, and I suddenly realized...!)
Hey, it's not like I don't have enough projects around here to amuse me!
Thank you all so much for your compliments on them! It means a lot that you liked them after I've been comparing my measly work to the stuff I've seen you all do! ("They LIKE me! They really LIKE me!")
Well, the yarn that I ordered for my next pair of socks was delivered at work (I have UPS ship to me at work because it's a pain in the tush to have to wait around the apartment when you don't know just when things are showing up, and then you have to schedule a redelivery because they won't just leave it, and then you have to wait around again...And so on, and so on...)
Anyhoo, that sock yarn that I had delivered at work is still there.
At work.
Sitting in my locker.
Doing me no good what so ever.
It's not such the trauma it seems, because I'll be back there tomorrow; but it is still kind of irritating. (It was more irritating when I was in the car, half way between work, runnning late to pick Irina up at preschool, and I suddenly realized...!)
Hey, it's not like I don't have enough projects around here to amuse me!
Thursday, May 02, 2002
Well, never made it to my parents with the socks. Irina has been miserable all day, and I haven't been feeling great either. Dang! Just when I thought that we were done being sick...grumblegrumble...She managed to sleep the afternoon away, wish I could have...Tony has promised us soup for dinner tonight, which will be nice and warm and yummy after a gray day.
Wednesday, May 01, 2002
It feels good to have finally finished those socks! Now I can relax and not feel like I have them hanging over my head. I'll plan on bringing them down to Mom tomorrow. It's suppose to be a yucky, rainy day tomorrow so it'll also get the girlie out of here and give her a chance to hang out with her Grandparents.
I'm ready to start my next project, but I have to wait for some more yarn. I needed a plum color, but I needed more of a red than the purple that I ordered. And, of course, it's the first color that I need to use, so I can't start without it. What's the project? They are socks...but that's all I'm going to say! I'm just going to keep dropping tantalizing little hints untill I'm ready to start!
I'm having a good time helping Kate with her quilt project! Teeheehee! It's fun bringing a newbie into the quilting "fold", as it were. I wonder how long untill she's truely addicted...
I'm ready to start my next project, but I have to wait for some more yarn. I needed a plum color, but I needed more of a red than the purple that I ordered. And, of course, it's the first color that I need to use, so I can't start without it. What's the project? They are socks...but that's all I'm going to say! I'm just going to keep dropping tantalizing little hints untill I'm ready to start!
I'm having a good time helping Kate with her quilt project! Teeheehee! It's fun bringing a newbie into the quilting "fold", as it were. I wonder how long untill she's truely addicted...
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