Thursday, May 16, 2002

Well, I did finally do some knitting yesterday. Only about half a dozen rows on the back of a pink cotton cardigan that I'm playing with (making it up as I go along), but at least it was something.

I got my girlies crafty genes working yesterday! We painted some ziti noodles different colors and when they were dry stringed them into a necklace. Something quick and easy for me, and a feeling of great accomplishment for her!

I'm actually blowing off meeting some friends to knit this morning, just not in the mood. I think I'll drag Irina to the bookstore this morning. I want to pick up the new knitting magazines that are out and look through the books on Javascript to see if there's something in them that I can actually understand! (And, having finished Outlander in record time I need something else to read!)

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