I did manage to completely pick up the girlies room, paying attention to what she has and doesn't even look at anymore. Next week I'm taking a day off from work when she's in school (day care). I am going to go on a sweep in there and donate a huge amount of un-played with toys to Good Will! And she has so many things that have little pieces, and those are scattered all over the place! Unfortunately, she doesn't have the best examples in Tony & I (who have so much *stuff*!), but we could be more organized about it than we are. I'm feeling a major b*tching session coming on, because guess who will be doing the bulk of the major cleaning. Again.
ok, deep breath...he cooks and does laundry...he is very happy to be Daddy when he's home...he puts up with ME! At least he'll take the short one out of the way when I go on my cleaning spree...