Friday, July 05, 2002

It has been so hot here the past few days it's been practically unbearable. No knitting, very little time spent on the computer, just hanging out in my daughter's room in the air conditioning. I looked forward to going to work today just because of the air conditioning, being one of the privledged few who work in the offices. I really did pity those who were stuck outside watering over the past few days-and it was a constant job! Fortunately the heat broke here today. (Tho' I fear it's only going to be a brief reprieve)

I think I've got a nasty case of "startitis" right now. I have 801 things that I could actually try to get around to finishing, but nnnoooo, I want to start something new. Go figure.

Well, aren't I outrageously boring today?

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