Going through a hard time right now.
Taking a few days off.
Be well.
Friday, January 31, 2003
Thursday, January 30, 2003

Kim, Alison, and Amy doing our best to promote Starbucks!
Yaah and Hooray! We three took over a table and didn't move for about two hours. Alison's husband gets extra brownie points for letting her come out to play on their anniversary!
A good time was had by all (at least as far as I know, I had fun!), and there are plans afoot to do it again next month. I know that I must have more to say on the subject, but my caffine level is dipping perilously low...
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
C-c-c-can't g-g-get w-w-w-warm
I am so freakin' cold and I am really tired of it! The talking weather heads on tv say it's going to make it to over 30 degrees tomorrow. I'll believes it when I sees it.
The small one has gone on a field trip today. I'm sure that a good time is being had by all.
I'm going to go huddle under a blanket, watch Comedy Central, and knit. Stay Warm!
I am so freakin' cold and I am really tired of it! The talking weather heads on tv say it's going to make it to over 30 degrees tomorrow. I'll believes it when I sees it.
The small one has gone on a field trip today. I'm sure that a good time is being had by all.
I'm going to go huddle under a blanket, watch Comedy Central, and knit. Stay Warm!
Saturday, January 25, 2003
A Post in Search of a Title
I made a phone call to Creative Warehouse yesterday to get more information about the sweater designing contest. I didn't get much more than that: yes it is being sponsored by Berroco, and the deadline for submission is in May sometime. I was given a partial list of the yarns that could be used but I have to admit that none of them jumped out at me screaming that they absolutely wanted me to work with them. (Is it a sign that when I hear the name of a yarn I instantly get a picture of it in my head? A sign of what, I don't know.) I'll go pick up a contest rules sheet anyway. As I said, I have until May to figure something out.
I did start a new sweater over the last few days. And I am going to restart it! I screwed up in the gauge and when I held it up to Irina it would go around her, but it stretched tight. I was going for more of a boxy look, and it wasn't cutting it. Back to the drawing board I go!
Am I feeling guilty for not working on the ABC sweater? A little bit. But I know that I'll get back to it. I have just realized that I am not happy unless I have at least four big projects in the works. What I need to do is catch "finishitis" to go with my "startitis"!
Tomorrow will be a day of knitting, making stuffed shells, and FOOTBALL!!! No, my boys didn't make it this year (though Tom Brady looked mighty fine trying), but we will enjoy it anyway.
Except for Shania.
I can't stand Shania.
Boo to Shania.
I made a phone call to Creative Warehouse yesterday to get more information about the sweater designing contest. I didn't get much more than that: yes it is being sponsored by Berroco, and the deadline for submission is in May sometime. I was given a partial list of the yarns that could be used but I have to admit that none of them jumped out at me screaming that they absolutely wanted me to work with them. (Is it a sign that when I hear the name of a yarn I instantly get a picture of it in my head? A sign of what, I don't know.) I'll go pick up a contest rules sheet anyway. As I said, I have until May to figure something out.
I did start a new sweater over the last few days. And I am going to restart it! I screwed up in the gauge and when I held it up to Irina it would go around her, but it stretched tight. I was going for more of a boxy look, and it wasn't cutting it. Back to the drawing board I go!
Am I feeling guilty for not working on the ABC sweater? A little bit. But I know that I'll get back to it. I have just realized that I am not happy unless I have at least four big projects in the works. What I need to do is catch "finishitis" to go with my "startitis"!
Tomorrow will be a day of knitting, making stuffed shells, and FOOTBALL!!! No, my boys didn't make it this year (though Tom Brady looked mighty fine trying), but we will enjoy it anyway.
Except for Shania.
I can't stand Shania.
Boo to Shania.
Thursday, January 23, 2003
Oh Yeah...
I Finally Finished It!!!
The pieces were done for so long, and the collar knit, and I just decided that it was time. I was afraid that it was going to be too narrow and wasn't going to fit, but Thankfully that wasn't the case!
And, I don't know if I'm the only one that this happens to, but when I'm working on something I kind of get "tunnel vision" about it. People will be saying that it's neat, or that they don't know how I've done what it is I'm doing; but to me it's just, I dunno, another project. It isn't until I've walked away from it that I can actually see just what I've done.
(And it's kind of gratifying that she refuses to take it off!!!)
I Finally Finished It!!!
The pieces were done for so long, and the collar knit, and I just decided that it was time. I was afraid that it was going to be too narrow and wasn't going to fit, but Thankfully that wasn't the case!
And, I don't know if I'm the only one that this happens to, but when I'm working on something I kind of get "tunnel vision" about it. People will be saying that it's neat, or that they don't know how I've done what it is I'm doing; but to me it's just, I dunno, another project. It isn't until I've walked away from it that I can actually see just what I've done.
(And it's kind of gratifying that she refuses to take it off!!!)
Left hand doesn't know what right is doing
I got a card in the mail from one of my LYS's saying (among other things) that they are having a kid's sweater designing contest and to come in for details. (Tony being the one to point out the fine print on the card so, just for future reference, It's HIS Fault!). So this morning I dump the child in the car and head out to Creative Warehouse. And of the three women working there this morning, no one had a clue as to what I was talking about! The think that it has something to do with Berroco, but otherwise were blank. I was told to call back this afternoon. We'll see.
I got a card in the mail from one of my LYS's saying (among other things) that they are having a kid's sweater designing contest and to come in for details. (Tony being the one to point out the fine print on the card so, just for future reference, It's HIS Fault!). So this morning I dump the child in the car and head out to Creative Warehouse. And of the three women working there this morning, no one had a clue as to what I was talking about! The think that it has something to do with Berroco, but otherwise were blank. I was told to call back this afternoon. We'll see.
Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Well, by 9:30 this morning Irina had all of the cushions off of the couch and has been busily making houses for the cat. Of course, if the cat is actually going to go into them is another thing entirely, but I do have to admire her single mindedness!
I am planning on having a terribly knitty sort of day today. Lets see if the Demons of Housework that Must Be Done conspire against me. That, and I have to wait until the short one decides it's OK to put the couch back together. Which could take a while...
I am planning on having a terribly knitty sort of day today. Lets see if the Demons of Housework that Must Be Done conspire against me. That, and I have to wait until the short one decides it's OK to put the couch back together. Which could take a while...
Tuesday, January 21, 2003
One of those things that makes you go "Wha...?"
I went to pick the girlie up at preschool yesterday. I was just happy that I had survived another day at work (which is sooooo incredibly boring right now, don't get me started...) Anyhoo, when I got there the teacher who works the end of the day was all excited and directed me to a wall where some pictures of simple shapes that the kids had done were hanging.
She told me that they were in the process of doing evaluations on the kids, just making sure that they were cognitively where they were suppose to be. Part of that was asking the kids to draw simple shapes. Now, most kids, when asked to draw a square would do this:
Mine does this:
She drew a three dimensional figure. At the age of four. A concept that she shouldn't understand for a few years yet. And she used it properly. (When I asked why she drew it that way she said that it was because that was "what the square in her head" looked like.
I know that no one cares but me, and maybe Grandma (Hi Mom), but this kid blows me away with the sheer amount of knowledge that she has on a regular basis.
I went to pick the girlie up at preschool yesterday. I was just happy that I had survived another day at work (which is sooooo incredibly boring right now, don't get me started...) Anyhoo, when I got there the teacher who works the end of the day was all excited and directed me to a wall where some pictures of simple shapes that the kids had done were hanging.
She told me that they were in the process of doing evaluations on the kids, just making sure that they were cognitively where they were suppose to be. Part of that was asking the kids to draw simple shapes. Now, most kids, when asked to draw a square would do this:
Mine does this:
She drew a three dimensional figure. At the age of four. A concept that she shouldn't understand for a few years yet. And she used it properly. (When I asked why she drew it that way she said that it was because that was "what the square in her head" looked like.
I know that no one cares but me, and maybe Grandma (Hi Mom), but this kid blows me away with the sheer amount of knowledge that she has on a regular basis.
Sunday, January 19, 2003
Saturday, January 18, 2003
Thursday, January 16, 2003
What I've been doing the last few days
Yes Mom...
The basic body design came from Jan Messent's book Knitted Historical Figures. I'm not planning on this actually being anyone from the book, but I will use it to figure out how to do things like the hair, clothing, and the like. I think she's telling me that she wants to be some sort of flower fairy. (It's one of those things when you get an image in your head and just can't get it out!)
| |
Yes Mom...
The basic body design came from Jan Messent's book Knitted Historical Figures. I'm not planning on this actually being anyone from the book, but I will use it to figure out how to do things like the hair, clothing, and the like. I think she's telling me that she wants to be some sort of flower fairy. (It's one of those things when you get an image in your head and just can't get it out!)
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Is it really only Wednesday? Dang!
This is day 3 at home with the small one. Her case of the sniffles seems to be over, fortunately, and I suppose that we could head out into the world; but that just takes so much energy at this time of year. Maybe if she starts bouncing off of walls later we will find someplace to go. For now, I'm happy to stay in where it's nice and warm.
I have a few little things that I can do. I still need to wind the Lamb's Pride that I frogged the other night into balls (now that it'a dry). And if I think I'm going to be able to do that without an assistant I've got another thing coming! I've also got another side knitting project that I started yesterday. It'll be a little bit before I can see how it's coming out. As is typical for me, I started it following directions, hated the way it was coming out, and have decided to just use them as a general 'guide' and not follow them absolutely. I'll borrow the technical stuff, and wing it on the rest. (And I did learn that mercerized cotton wasn't going to work for part of the project. Ah, learning experiences!)
Hopefully I'll consider myself far enough along tomorrow to post some pictures.
This is day 3 at home with the small one. Her case of the sniffles seems to be over, fortunately, and I suppose that we could head out into the world; but that just takes so much energy at this time of year. Maybe if she starts bouncing off of walls later we will find someplace to go. For now, I'm happy to stay in where it's nice and warm.
I have a few little things that I can do. I still need to wind the Lamb's Pride that I frogged the other night into balls (now that it'a dry). And if I think I'm going to be able to do that without an assistant I've got another thing coming! I've also got another side knitting project that I started yesterday. It'll be a little bit before I can see how it's coming out. As is typical for me, I started it following directions, hated the way it was coming out, and have decided to just use them as a general 'guide' and not follow them absolutely. I'll borrow the technical stuff, and wing it on the rest. (And I did learn that mercerized cotton wasn't going to work for part of the project. Ah, learning experiences!)
Hopefully I'll consider myself far enough along tomorrow to post some pictures.
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
No, scratch that...Because I was inspired by Theresa and Bonne Marie's little adventure I too decided to take a dive into the frog pond. I took apart the back and a sleeve of a big coat type sweater that I had started who-knows-how-long-ago that just wasn't thrilling my soul (And I can't find the pattern, and I don't remember what size needles I was using, and...,and...,and...)
The only real problem I encountered was the fact that I had been using a Lamb's Pride bulky and a Plymouth Encore worsted doubled to make the gauge I needed. Trying to seperate them was a treat, but I somehow managed, and this is what my bath tub looks like this morning:
Irina was much amused by the yarn floating in the water.
I have plans for the Lamb's Pride, provided that I am ever allowed to knit something for myself again...
Monday, January 13, 2003
File Under: I Can't Frickin' Win
(Another whine. Feel free to ignore me, everyone else does)
So the short one and I are down for the count with head colds. I have no patience, and she's melting down at the slightest thing. I want to curl up in a ball, and she's looking for constant attention. I want to go back to bed and she won't let me. I am not enjoying being a Mommy right now.
This too shall pass...
(Another whine. Feel free to ignore me, everyone else does)
So the short one and I are down for the count with head colds. I have no patience, and she's melting down at the slightest thing. I want to curl up in a ball, and she's looking for constant attention. I want to go back to bed and she won't let me. I am not enjoying being a Mommy right now.
This too shall pass...
Sunday, January 12, 2003
Not for the faint of heart (aka: The Walk of Shame)
Yes, it's my first sweater. The giant green acrylic ick. It was buried in the bottom of my closet and is looking somewhat worse for wear.
Ok, for what it is it really isn't all that bad. And I had the extra added benifit of learning to use a cable hook before I realized that it was suppose to be "hard".
I found another early sweater with this one, but I'll save it for another day
Yes, it's my first sweater. The giant green acrylic ick. It was buried in the bottom of my closet and is looking somewhat worse for wear.
Ok, for what it is it really isn't all that bad. And I had the extra added benifit of learning to use a cable hook before I realized that it was suppose to be "hard".
I found another early sweater with this one, but I'll save it for another day
Friday, January 10, 2003
The girlie's hair came out cute. Short, yes, but it really does look good on her. My hair? Well...it's hair. Not too much different. (I'd show ya but I'm shy)
Yesterday was just a hanging out sort of day. Gave myself a break from the ABC sweater to start working on swatches for my next project (the sweater for Tony).
Then Irina has picked out the next sweater that she wants me to do for her (I WILL substitute the yarn on that one, considering the yarn in the pattern is 50% silk! Silk for a 4-year-old? I don't think so!!! What are some kids sweater designers thinking???)
Then there's the baby sweater, but there's no rush on that, and I'd really like to do the 'Ladders and Ropes' cardigan from the new issue of Knit it for myself, and who knows what else I'll come up with...
Oh, and I found my First Sweater yesterday (and the one that I think was my second or third as well). Pictures coming when I get the chance to take them in daylight...though the dark may not be such a bad idea...
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
It's Mommy/daughter haircut day, and it's about durn time! Irina is insisting that she's going to get her hair cut short, which is a boohoo to me. But I will admit that it is in her face and driving her crazy all the time. I'll let her have it cut however she wants, but that doesn't mean that I won't cry afterward!
I'm tempted to have mine all cut off too. We shall see...
I'm tempted to have mine all cut off too. We shall see...
Tuesday, January 07, 2003
The body thus far:
It's driving me slightly bonkers because the lower edge is constantly curling (it'll be a straight hemmed edge, no ribbing to hold it down) I can't wait to block this thing, and I never block anything!
*Phew* I admitted it. Blocking just ain't my thing. I also have what might be a bigger knitting heresy confession to make...but I digress...
I also can't wait to finish the stick figure motif! I just can't get into a rhythm with it, but I've only got two more rows to go. "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can".
It's driving me slightly bonkers because the lower edge is constantly curling (it'll be a straight hemmed edge, no ribbing to hold it down) I can't wait to block this thing, and I never block anything!
*Phew* I admitted it. Blocking just ain't my thing. I also have what might be a bigger knitting heresy confession to make...but I digress...
I also can't wait to finish the stick figure motif! I just can't get into a rhythm with it, but I've only got two more rows to go. "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can".
Monday, January 06, 2003
I waste no time
I've already found the pattern that I want to make for our friend's expected baby. Just my luck that I'm going to have to translate it into english!
(aka: "Oh goody! A challenge!"...like I don't have enough to do...)
I've already found the pattern that I want to make for our friend's expected baby. Just my luck that I'm going to have to translate it into english!
(aka: "Oh goody! A challenge!"...like I don't have enough to do...)
I actually prayed for my head to explode at about 4 this morning, to get some sort of relief from the pressure. No such luck, though. It's abated a bit, but I'm still really sore. Tony took the kiddo to preschool this morning, so I get to be here all by my lonesome. Which would be a good thing, if I had the ambition to do anything, which I don't.
I dunno. I've got nothing exciting to say, just complaining.
I actually prayed for my head to explode at about 4 this morning, to get some sort of relief from the pressure. No such luck, though. It's abated a bit, but I'm still really sore. Tony took the kiddo to preschool this morning, so I get to be here all by my lonesome. Which would be a good thing, if I had the ambition to do anything, which I don't.
I dunno. I've got nothing exciting to say, just complaining.
Sunday, January 05, 2003
Saturday, January 04, 2003
Well, today turned out being harder than it really needed to be. Pbthththththththth...
I have started putting together my pictures of my finished knitting projects (The few pictures that I have, that is)...(Psst! Janet! I put the info about the 72 hour sweater there!) And I may actually have around here (a la Joe and Wendy) my First Sweater!!!
Thought I sincerely hope not! It was a big cabled pullover, hugely turtlenecked thing that I wore as a coat during the winter. I seem to remember that the pattern came from Vogue Knitting, and I know that it was done in 1985! (Which should give you some idea as to the *cough* style of it.) It was also done in some really bad, chunky green acrylic yuck of a yarn. I also know that it has some burned (melted) spots on it from where I dropped hot ashes and the occasional cigarette butt on it.
I wonder what ever happened to it...
I have started putting together my pictures of my finished knitting projects (The few pictures that I have, that is)...(Psst! Janet! I put the info about the 72 hour sweater there!) And I may actually have around here (a la Joe and Wendy) my First Sweater!!!
Thought I sincerely hope not! It was a big cabled pullover, hugely turtlenecked thing that I wore as a coat during the winter. I seem to remember that the pattern came from Vogue Knitting, and I know that it was done in 1985! (Which should give you some idea as to the *cough* style of it.) It was also done in some really bad, chunky green acrylic yuck of a yarn. I also know that it has some burned (melted) spots on it from where I dropped hot ashes and the occasional cigarette butt on it.
I wonder what ever happened to it...
Snow! Snow! Snow!
We got about 9 inches over about the last 12 hours, and it is a winter wonderland! Tony bundled Irina up in (I think) every piece of clothing that she has and took her outside to clean off the car. The first thing that she did? Find a pristine patch of snow and make a snowangel! Oooh! She is going to be soooooo cold when she comes in!
(that pink splotch in the center is her. so hard to get a pic through the fire escape)
I, personally, think it's the perfect day to hunker down and knit away. I'm onto the body of the ABC sweater. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes me. 191 stitches in the round. At least it has a pattern to keep me interested!
We got about 9 inches over about the last 12 hours, and it is a winter wonderland! Tony bundled Irina up in (I think) every piece of clothing that she has and took her outside to clean off the car. The first thing that she did? Find a pristine patch of snow and make a snowangel! Oooh! She is going to be soooooo cold when she comes in!
(that pink splotch in the center is her. so hard to get a pic through the fire escape)
I, personally, think it's the perfect day to hunker down and knit away. I'm onto the body of the ABC sweater. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes me. 191 stitches in the round. At least it has a pattern to keep me interested!
Thursday, January 02, 2003
My poor kiddo was awake from about 1 this morning until at least 3:30, and as a result we were mostly awake. Double bummer as Tony had to be at work extra early to do the month end computer stuff. Irina's also being extra touchy this morning, Oh Joy!
I should get the second sleeve of the ABC sweater finished sometime today, and will hopefully make a start on the body. It all depends on how many games of Monoply Junior (TM) I get stuck playing today. And who was it who gave the game to Irina for Christmas? You should know that you've created a monster...
My poor kiddo was awake from about 1 this morning until at least 3:30, and as a result we were mostly awake. Double bummer as Tony had to be at work extra early to do the month end computer stuff. Irina's also being extra touchy this morning, Oh Joy!
I should get the second sleeve of the ABC sweater finished sometime today, and will hopefully make a start on the body. It all depends on how many games of Monoply Junior (TM) I get stuck playing today. And who was it who gave the game to Irina for Christmas? You should know that you've created a monster...
Wednesday, January 01, 2003
Patting myself on the back
I haven't had a cigarette for six years as of today! Astonishing...
I don't make resolutions, after all, who actually keeps a resolution? I set goals instead. Granted some are easier to meet than others, and some I fail miserably on, but I at least make an attempt.
My goals for the coming year are (in no particular order):
1) Exercise more
2) Knit more
3) Be more patient with my daughter
4) Avoid toxic people
5) Tell the people in my life that I Love them more often.
Now I'm going to go watch the Rose Parade with my family.
Happy New Year, my Friends. May the coming year be a wonderful one for you!
I haven't had a cigarette for six years as of today! Astonishing...
I don't make resolutions, after all, who actually keeps a resolution? I set goals instead. Granted some are easier to meet than others, and some I fail miserably on, but I at least make an attempt.
My goals for the coming year are (in no particular order):
1) Exercise more
2) Knit more
3) Be more patient with my daughter
4) Avoid toxic people
5) Tell the people in my life that I Love them more often.
Now I'm going to go watch the Rose Parade with my family.
Happy New Year, my Friends. May the coming year be a wonderful one for you!
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