Saturday, January 04, 2003

Snow! Snow! Snow!

We got about 9 inches over about the last 12 hours, and it is a winter wonderland! Tony bundled Irina up in (I think) every piece of clothing that she has and took her outside to clean off the car. The first thing that she did? Find a pristine patch of snow and make a snowangel! Oooh! She is going to be soooooo cold when she comes in!

(that pink splotch in the center is her. so hard to get a pic through the fire escape)

I, personally, think it's the perfect day to hunker down and knit away. I'm onto the body of the ABC sweater. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes me. 191 stitches in the round. At least it has a pattern to keep me interested!

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