Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Mama scarf, Daddy scarf and Baby scarf!

Mine is from Noro Kureyon, and is using that multidirectional diagonal stitch pattern that I've seen several people using lately. Tony's is made from some of the wool that I picked up in Vermont this summer. (I cast on 250 stitches on size 10.5, 40 inch long circs and just knit until I deemed it wide enough-which I highly recommend! It's the first scarf I actually finished!) And Irina's is the Two.Two/Linie 42 that I mentioned yesterday, in a simple gaters stitch. I'd have made it a little longer, but she requested that it be short. I'd have made *mine* longer, but I was running out of yarn!

Now I'm trying to convince myself that I really don't need to start anything new. I've got enough UFO's floating around here to keep me occupied for...a good long time.

But for now I'm crawling back into bed. Yup, guess who woke up with a massively sore throat this morning. (joy. rapture. yippee.) At least Tony had already planned to take today off, so I don't have to try to Mommy and take care of myself at the same time! This is *not* how I had planned to spend school vacation week!

(Oh, and yesterday's feel bad moment turned out to be paranoia on my part! My face is a little red about it, but I'm glad that I didn't do anything to get someone upset at me! Phew!)

Monday, December 29, 2003

Plague House

At least, that's what it's feeling like around here. The small one has the 'flu, after direct exposure to it from a couple of cousins ant Christmas, and she's miserable, the poor thing. I'm trying to convince myself that I'm not getting sick, and I'm hoping that Tony's immune system holds out through this illness. (Knock wood)

I'm using the quiet time, as she's been mostly sleeping, to work on a scarf and hat in Classic Elite Two.Two in black with Linie 42 in dalmation black and white to give it some oomph. Hopefully they'll turn out as cute as I want them to.

And, I'm feeling personally rotten, because I think I offended someone without realizing I had done it. I'm definitely not having a feel good moment.

Thursday, December 25, 2003

She liked it!

Yes, the sweater was for my Mom. At least I hope that she liked it. There was so much going on at that point that I'm not sure. As Tony would tell me:"Kim, stop being paranoid!"

I have to admit that I really am quite pleased with the work I did on the finishing of that sweater. I took my time with it, and it really did turn out nicely. But you will notice that there are no buttons on it. In fact, there are no button holes! I was going to make frog closures for it, but as I was running out of time and getting slightly stressed about other things, I decided to skip them for the time being. I'll get some nice metal ones and put them on next time I'm down there.

As for us, Santa was a jolly old elf all the way around. Who else would give your husband daughter a huge pirate set with over 300 pieces to put together? And would make sude that you had all of the assistants you need to help you out?

The best part for me was seeing all my of family, laughing a lot, and generally having a great time. I hope that your day went just as well!

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Yikes! and Gadzooks! I actually finished it. The Christmas giftie is done and ready to go onto it's intended recipient. You will, of course, understand and forgive me if I don't post a picture of it until it has gone on to it's new home.

Today was slightly on the bonkers side. I did have enforced down time this morning, two and one half hours sitting at the dealership having the water pump replaced in our car. Better having it done than to have the car suddenly stop while cruising down the Mass. Pike! That was when I finished the previously mentioned project (FIP instead of KIP?).

I normally wouldn't have minded, but today was what I consider the day before Christmas. My day for running around getting sorted and organized. (Organized? Me? In my next life, maybe!) I should be wrapping now, while I have the quiet time to do it; but the ambition ain't there at the moment.

Tomorrow we travel and have the mega Christmas Eve bash at the in-laws. Twenty-something people crammed around the table, tons of food, the sister-in-law who always brings the *huge* box of Godiva chocolates, trying to figure out who your secret Santa was, and placing bets on which child's head is going to explode first from the excitement!...And then we come back home and do it all over again the next day at my parents house! Significantly fewer people, but somehow we manage to get just as loud!

So, as I head off on my wild & crazy next few days, I wish you all a Happy Holiday. Stay safe and have fun!

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Whoever You are, if You are reading this, You have no idea what your kindness means to us. Thank You so much!

And, yes, I am being deliberately vague about this! I don't know if the person I'm talking to reads my blog; but as we received an *anonymous* gift, I have no other way of reaching them!

Friday, December 19, 2003

I solemnly swear with my right hand in the air, and my left on my Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches (volumes I and II), that next year I will decide to start any holiday knitting in JULY!!!

I did this last year too. I managed to get sucked into thinking that I have to make something for this person and that person, and "Ooh! That yarn would make the perfect {fill in the blank} for so-and-so."

Actually, I'm really not stressing that badly about it. I just keep finding other projects I want to do as well, distracting me from the one that I feel like I *should* be working on. Any keyboard psychologists want to give a whack at analysis?

Well, I've ended up with an extra knitting day today. The small one came home with a runny nose yesterday, and great big circles under her eyes, which was enough to get the Mommy radar buzzing. And she was really touchy, too. The slightest thing set her off. This morning she had progressed to being completely stuffed up, and even touchier, if that's possible! With that scary 'flu going around, we decided that keeping her home was the wisest choice. So, if I can convince her to actually rest, I should be able to finish sleeve #1 and make good headway on #2. It is entirely possible that I may even have it done on Sunday.

Now, if I can just ignore the siren song of the other projects I have lying around...

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Yes, I lied. I said that I wasn't turning the computer on again today, but Blogger is giving me a hard time! It says that publishing is successful, but I'm seeing no changes in Netscape or Internet Explorer. So I'm trying this to see if I can kick it into actually working.
Woohoo! I got internet! It has been a gosh-darn-golly-gee-willikers of a time getting the DSL connection sorted out, but it's finally up and running. I'm so excited, teeheehee.

So, I have to admit, I'm suffering from "completion issues". I just can't seem to finish anything! I've got one and one half gloves, one and two-thirds socks, two scarves (one two-thirds done, one one-third), and someone I know is getting the pieces of a sweater handed to them with a promise that it will be finished soon...That is, if I can get the one and two-thirds sleeves done in the next five days!

That driping you hear? That would be my brain cells liquifying and oozing out my ears! Aaaaahhhhhhh!

So, after this post, I am not allowing myself to turn the computer on! Nope, no way, no how. but I can leave you with a blast from my knitting past!

This sweater my Mom pulled out of a bag of clothing that I had filled to go to the Salvation Army. Yes, I was going to give it away. No, don't ask me why! It must have seemed like a good idea at the time, for some silly reason. it was with another sweater that was finished, except for the buttons. (Which I do have now, so you may actually get the sweater back soon, Mom!)

So here's an example of Kim's knitting, circa 1987-88 (?):

The pattern most likely came from a Vogue Knitting magazine, because that was where I found all of my patterns in those days. Who knows what the yarn is! Doesn't it just scream '80's?

And, BTW, the sweater and hat set went over big time well! My friend was so excited that she ran around showing it to everyone! If she was in the office and someone new came in, she grabbed them and forced them to look at it! And the hat was deemed "Cuter than a bug's patootie". It was a huge ego-boosting day for me!

Now, the mall opens in 20 minutes, and I need to be there!

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

The internet connection has been spotty. I've been trying to get DSL set up, but it's being harder than it really needs to be, grumblegrumblegrumble...

So I've been keeping busy

(doesn't that lion look so jaunty?)

Today I'm handing them over to the woman who asked me to make them. I am really kinda nervous about it. I mean, I know she's going to like them, but still...