Sunday, March 31, 2002

I have to say that I really am heartbroken about what is going on in the Middle East. All blowing youself up and killing other people proves is that someone knows how to make a bomb, nothing more. It doesn't make you a martyr for your religion, all it does is make you, and other people, dead. It's just so, so sad.


Spent time with some colored pencils and graph paper last night, working out a two-color design ideas for some socks. I was trying to come up with something based on a few tesselating quilt designs that I've seen. While the idea that I've come up with doesn't tesselate, it does wave pretty well. Now I've just got to try knitting it up to see how it works. (Like I need another project!)
Hmmm, my pictures are gone. And it looks like the hosting site is down. HmmHmm. I hope it doesn't last long. Curious.

Saturday, March 30, 2002

The Queen Mother is gone...Didn't it seem like she'd just keep going forever?
I'm singing the "got no car, got no husband, got no child for the night blues..."

I've been feeling really crabby and trapped lately, so Tony has taken Irina and gone to his parents for the night, leaving me all by my lonesome. They'll do Easter day with them and his family, and then come home late tomorrow sometime after lunch at his sisters house. I will miss not being there, but I have also been on the edge of a migraine all day, and his family is so huge...I'd have just ended up sitting in a corner, trying to count stitches, and feeling unsociable and nauseous from the headache.

Which leaves me with what to do with my evening. I was going to do some baking, but I'm out of a few key ingredients. I had a passing thought of stopping at the grocery store on the way home from work, but a look at the line just waiting to get into the parking lot quickly killed that idea! ( I may be crazy, but I ain't nuts!) So I think I'm just going to park my butt on the couch and have a scary movie fest!

And the choices are:(in no particular order)The Uninvited,The Legend of Hell House, and The Haunting (The original! I refuse to see the remake). All good, goosebumpy, hair on the back of the neck raising movies, with a minimum of gore! The Haunting is easily my favorite; but it's been a while since I've seen The Uninvited..where to start, where to start...

Friday, March 29, 2002

Really draggy day yesterday, but today is definately better. I spent a good part of the day yesterday working on the holder for my camera, which turned into more of a small purse. Finished the strap when I got home from work today. Tonight I'll drop it in some boiling water and see if I can felt it down a little bit. I knit it a little tight, so I don't know if it'll go far; but if it firms up a bit I'll be happy.

Did some Easter egg dying with the small one. She wasn't ready for it last year, but she really got into it this time. I did take some pictures, so I'll see if I can get something posted later. Must to dinner...

Here we go...Irina was partial to the red one...

How strange...looking at the second picture I realized that she has my profile...It isn't often that I look at her and think:"Yeah, she looks like me". Tony has informed me that she definitely has my crafting gene, she always wants to be doing 'something'. It's nice to know that despite all the messing up I'm doing as a parent I am passing on something good...

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Goal for today:Actually do some knitting! (I seem to be doing almost everything but lately...)

Small one is going to drive me cra-a-azy today!

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

You are Fozzie!
Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.

Thank You Fillyjonk (who I stole this off of) At least I'm fuzzy...

Pretty uninspiring day...Home with a sick kid (got a two hour nap out of her-that's pretty sick-she usually doesn't stop moving), and did a lot of cooking. Frogged my "what am I thinking" sweater because I'm afraid I'm just not going to have enough yarn. Trying to decide if I should order more, but grrrrr, it's expensive yarn.

Monday, March 25, 2002

Oh, the Hysteria! Oh, the Humanity! Oh...what am I teaching my kid??? It's that time of year again. Ladies and Gents, start your's time for the Peeps Races!

I made it down to Mom's with the socks in hand so she could try them on. The verdict?...Go with the ones on the larger needles! I had a feeling that was going to be the choice. I don't think she quite understood my glee as I yanked the needles out and frogged the smaller sock; but it was kind of fun, knowing that I'd be getting the chance to do them right!

Sunday, March 24, 2002

Jennifer created a most cool Web Ring logo!!! Most excellent! Thank You Jennifer!

The laundry list of things on needles:

1) Lace leaf socks for my mom in Lorna's Laces sock weight yarn. Color: Sage

2) Bright red shawl (Ok, so it's more raspberry)

3) Regia Jacquard socks for Tony with neon colors (He "says" he'll wear them)

4) Mags Kandis "Karma" throw in Mission Falls cotton

5)...and my "What am I thinking???" project: A sweater using Helen's Laces yarn (doubled), on size 3 needles. Color: Old Rose.

The only one with any sort of deadline is Mom's socks. After all, her birthday was 2 weeks ago. I've just got to get her to try on the cuffs I've done to see which fit better, then I can really rock on finishing them!

My Sweetie is making two females happy today! He's giving the short one the thrill of taking the train into the city to have lunch and wander around for a while (which she loves!); and they've left me here all alone to do whatever I want. He's a Honey!

There are the leaf socks that are driving me nuts!!! The left is on 1's, and the right on 2's. They be driving me slightly crazy!!! (Hmmm, gotta get rid of that "free image" thingie on the picture...)

Saturday, March 23, 2002

You know you've got it bad when...My sweetie asked me if I was going to get a case for my new camera. I said "No...

"..I've already decided to knit one."

Hey, why is he laughing?

I'm listed on another blog! I'm listed on another blog!!! Thank You Theresa! Why I'm just tickled pink with neon purple polka-dots!"

Friday, March 22, 2002

WooHoo! I just got myself a digital camera on sale cheap! (And it's a good one too) Now I just gotta figure out how to use it and all it's pieces parts...Of course, if I had gone to the yarn store like I had planned to get a new circular needle I would have gotten out of it much cheaper...

I did make it to the yarn shop after all, I just went after picking the small one up at preschool. I found I'm less likely to linger & fondle with a crabby three-year-old in toe.(Actually, she warn't that bad) I also picked up a "Knit for a Cure" scarf kit. It says to use size 17 needles, but the didn't have any in stock. Oh well, I'll just use my 15's and throw on a few extra stitches. I need a quickie project right now, everything I'm doing just seems to be dragging on so darn long.

Oh Goodiegoodiegoodie, it's almost Iron Chef time!

Thursday, March 21, 2002

Line that made me laugh recently! (and I take No credit for it! It was someone's sig. line on Knitlist)

"Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready photon torpedoes and lock phasers
on the Heffalump", Piglet, meet me in transporter room three".

Curiouser and curiouser, I've got that silly post below this that I can't get rid of 'cause it says there's nothing there...Go figger...

Unfortunately, the small one seems to have gotten my cold. *sigh*

We were low key enought this morning that I was able to work on the leaf socks for a while. The stitches still look really "loose" to me on the size 2 needles, but I'll stick with it. It may just be that my perceptions are skewed after working on the 1's for a while. Maybe I just need to make another pot of tea and head back to it...

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Yup, had to rip the leaf socks back again...4 times!...grumble...but I think I've got it this time. Maybe it won't be as bad as I thought on the larger needles. Also started myself a shawl with a beaded cotton that I picked up on eBay a while ago. It's been sitting there staring at me so I figured I should finally do something with it! I'm not even trying anything more than a basic knit/purl pattern (and I'm making that up on the fly). Considering it's bright red I don't think it needs anything extra! 'Course, I'm going to need to go to a circular needle soon, and I don't own one the right size; which means a (dum, dum,duuummmmm): trip to the yarn store!!! Gee, what a pity...

Slowly surfing & checking out knitting blogs, becoming totally self-concious as I compare mine to theirs! Seems they've started a web ring (blog ring?). Maybe if I get mine up to snuff I'll submit; but at this point I still got that "Wayne's World" I'm not worthy thing going! Today I checked out Clara's Window. Very cool to see more from the Knitter's Review creator. She's a busy lady!
Oh yeah, it's a cold...

One of these days I will settle on a template to use! Methinks this'll be it for the time being. Not great, but I can't screw it up too much!

Hooray, Blueberry Waffle socks are finished!!! They turned out rather nicely, if I say so myself. Now if I hook my scanner up maybe I can put a picture someplace. I've started the leaf sock again on the larger needles. They look OK so far, but I'm only a dozen rows into it, so I don't think I have much to judge it on yet. Of course, I'm working on everything but...

Monday, March 18, 2002

Dang! I am so getting a cold. I hate post nasal drip!...grumblegrumblegrumble...

I've decided to hold off on the Leaf sock for the time being. I've got about four inches left to go on my Blueberry Waffle socks (i.e., blueberry waffles with whipped cream and strawberries, because they're red, white & blue). Once I get those done I'll start the second leaf sock on slightly larger needles and see how big of a difference that makes in the way they fit. But I really like the way they look on the 1's...wwwwhhhhhiiiiinnnneeeeee!!!!!!

WooHoo! Just got a chance to really check out Girl From Auntie. I have to admit that I was particular to the knitting "drinking" games. ;)

Sunday, March 17, 2002

Wow...afternoon's half did that happen? At least it's not been a completely unproductive day, four loads of laundry done. I 'could' do more, but nnaaawwww... Play with my Blog & surf. Hubby is sitting behind me clipping coupons, and the squirt is (dare I hope?) threatening to take a nap-which isn't such a bad idea!

Saturday, March 16, 2002


Happiness. The short one is asleep, the Tall one is at his night job, and it's only half an hour to Iron Chef.

I spent wwaaayyyy too much time on the 'puter today. I should have spent more time working on the socks I'm knitting for Mom, but it's slightly frustrating knowing that I'm most likely going to have to toss this one in the frog pond. (It's the Leaf Socks in Socks x 3 btw-the directions say that they are for a medium foot, but...I think they gonna be a little small) Ah well. Finish one, see how it fits & go from there.

Just a bland day. Really have to make an effort to get my tush out the door tomorrow. No, really, I mean it...
Salutations and Welcome!

Brew youself a cuppa and pull up a chair. I get to sit here in Blessed silence today as my Sweetie has taken our Daughter to his folks for the day and given me time that is Mine, All MINE!!!

So what do I do? I rearrange my kiddo's room. Kinda cute, I think. It'd be easier if she didn't have so much "stuff"; but we're all good gatherers in the household. Of course, as soon as I was done I realized that I didn't leave a spot for the rocking chair that lives in there...Oh well, it doesn't get used anyway...I wonder if I can convince the Hubby to donate it to charity...