Thursday, October 31, 2002

Yaah! I have some new Lorna's Laces sock yarn on the way courtesy of eBay. The color is called "Funky Stripes" and it's a cool purple and green!

Do I need more sock yarn? No. Do I love it? Yes!

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

So if I post to my blog will I be able to get into it? Hmmm...

So the small one had her 4 year old well child visit at the doctor today. Poor kid had to get three shots!!! My poor sweetie! :( After it was done she informed us that she was "one of those people who doesn't like shots". The good news is that she doesn't get any more until she's 11. Now I am trying to wake her up! She's been asleep for hours, and if I can't wake her up soon she'll be awake all night!

WooHoo! Sleeve number 1 is finally finished. (aren't you all thrilled?) Number 2 shouldn't take too long, haha.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Well I finally managed to crawl out of the sickroom just in time to have Tony crawl in. Irina hasn't caught the neverending cold yet, and I hope it stays that way! I mean, Tony actually stayed home from work today, which means that the guy is really sick! (I did have to talk him out of going to his night job. Somehow he thought that getting very little sleep tonight and then going into work in the morning was going to help him get better. Such a guy thing!)

I have four, count 'em, four rows left to do one sleeve number 1 of the Snowflake sweater. And I have finished the back of the "It's Only a Swatch" sweater and cast on for the front. I've decided on a cardigan, but for the life of me I can't figure out why because I hate picking up stitches for button bands.

The thing is, I have to do the ribbing for the second Snowflake sleeve before I can go beyond the ribbing of the "Swatch", because I'm using the same size needles for both. And, yes, I have to admit, I only have one pair of size 6 needles. *hangs head in shame* What kind of knitter am I, to not be prepared for any eventuality? sigh...

Sunday, October 27, 2002

The mind absolutely Boggles.

SpongeBob as drawn by a 4-year-old on a MagnaDoodle!

He's jellyfishing, if you can't tell.

Saturday, October 26, 2002

SEX with the Postman

Imagine the google hits that title's going to get! (Mom, I hope that you didn't shreik too loud!)

I got my Elann order yesterday. The colors I ordered don't go together as well as I might have liked, but hey, I'll use them. Am using them. What started out as "Oh, I'll just knit a test swatch and see how it feels" has turned into being one third of the way up the back! Like I don't have enough projects going on. Bad Kim! Bad!

As for the other projects, I haven't finished as much as I feel like I should have after spending a week sick at home. I'm about half way up the first sleeve of Irina's sweater, and could finish it quickly if I just sat down and applied myself. (is there an echo in here? where have i heard that before?) I really should just do it and be done with it. As for the 'other' project, I managed to put about two hours in on it today and have about 10 inches to do on the back. Which, at a few rows here and there, isn't all that bad.

OK, I've officially run out of things to say for tonight.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

My sweet guy decides to make some creamy celery soup for dinner the other night, as I'm still feeling crappy and soup just goes down real good.
He's in the kitchen for half and hour chopping and blending and cooking. After a while he says: "Hmmm, this is a bit thicker that I thought it would be. Maybe if I put it back in the blender." I don't say anything as I am in the middle of counting stitches.
A minute later I hear him say "Ooooh."
"Find the problem?" I ask.
"Ummm. What happens if you put too much flour in?"
"Well, flour is used as a thickening agent. Just how much did you use?"
"Ummm. A cup."
"How much were you suppose to use?"
"A tablespoon."
I am silently shaking with laughter.
"Sweetheart," I say.
"There are tortelinni in the freezer."
"Well. Dinner in 20 minutes then."

What Cartoon Will I Lose My Cartoon Virginity To?

The Tick (The Tick): Stronger then any other person on the face of the earth, although not very bright, The Tick fights evil with the enthusiasm of a child. Happy and cheerful, the only thing that motivates him is the cradle of justice. Spoon!!!

What Cartoon Will I Lose My Cartoon Virginity To?


I love the Tick! *giggle*snort*

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Snow!!! We had freakin' snow here this morning!!! I'm not ready for this...

Finally finished the back of Irina's snowflake sweater last night and started on one of the sleeves, which I imagine will go up fairly quickly. Actually, I hope that it will go up quickly because I ordered the yarn from Elann for the next one! it wasn't the yarn that I picked out at the LYS last week but the colors are the same and even with shipping it cost me a third of what it would have. (10 skeins of yarn plus shipping for under $30. ? Sweet!)

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Ugh. Things aren't much better today. I haven't even had the energy to knit the past few days. (You know you're sick when...) Oh well, maybe later. *crawls back into bed with tea and a case of Kleenex*

Monday, October 21, 2002

Today I sound like this:

I hate being sick.

Sunday, October 20, 2002

It's been a busy couple of days! I managed to get together with my knitting buddies on Thursday, which is something we hadn't been able to do all summer. It was nice to catch up and talk knitting with somebody who's eyes don't glaze over at the subject! Liz had to leave early to get her son from school, so Lucia and I sat for a while and then went to grab some lunch (the small one was with me!)...And then we went to do something that I swore I didn't want to do...check out a new (to me) LYS! I was a very good girl and didn't buy anything but I do think that I picked out the yarn that I want to use for my next project, that may be, might possibly, a Knitty submission.

Other then that I've been working and knitting/knitting and working, blahblahblah. I'd much rather just be knitting, but one must do what one must do to afford to feed one's yarn addiction! I should be able to finish the back of Irina's sweater this afternoon. Of course, I might just take another three hour nap too!

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Silly comment of the day yesterday:

I'm sitting in the breakroom at lunch working on Irina's sweater when one of my coworkers asks what I'm working on. I show her the pattern and she says: "Oh, a Nordic sweater. Does anyone make those anymore?"

Ummm...And just what am I doing?

I will give the people at work credit though. They no longer look at me and go: "Oh, you knit? I thought only Grandmas knit." Now they say: "You haven't brought your knitting in for a while. What are you working on? Bring it in, I want to see!"

It's a gray, nasty, windy, rainy day out there today! Perfect for hanging out and getting lots of knitting done! Part of me wants to go and fondle yarn in a store somewhere, but I know that I can't afford to buy any right now. Besides, I've got enough projects going on at this point.

Yawn! Sleepy Kim. I wonder if the short one will let me have a nap this afternoon...

Mom and Dad fly in from their trip to Salt Lake City today (Where Mom took a course in tracing Italian geneologies and Dad climbed mountains-and was buzzed by an eagle at 10,000 feet!). I hope that the weather doesn't delay their flight

Sunday, October 13, 2002

I redid my Kokopelli page! --------->

Go see! Go see!

Saturday, October 12, 2002

La, I am feeling particularly boring tonight. I could go work on some knitting, but there's nothing good on t.v. for my brain to zone out to while my fingers work, and it's too late (for me, at any rate) to throw in a movie. Knowing me I'll end up watching some unsolved mystery/forensic type show on Court TV, or some documentary or something. Those are my usual fall backs when my brain is bored. I don't do CSI or anything like that, mostly because I forget they're on!When it all comes down to it, I suppose that I should just go to bed early!

Friday, October 11, 2002

This is the back of the snowflake sweater that I'm doing for Irina. Gotta love doing kid's sweaters! This only took four days!

The colors really are more distinct. My flash kind of bleached them out.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

Uninstalled Mozilla. It kept wanting me to inatall all this stuff that we already have on our computer. It also displayed some things so differently and refused to go to some sites that I frequent all the time! What a pain in my tush!

I actually finished that back of Irina's next sweater last night while watching Birds of Prey (which, in my humble opinion, ROCKED!!! Gotta love stong female characters!), and the Massachusetts gubenatorial debate. Who knew that the debate could have doubled as a drinking game?


1) Every time someone refers to "small goverment" take a drink.

2) Every time someone refers to "big goverment" take a drink.

3) Every time Carla Howell refers to herself in the third person, take a drink. (Someone really should have reminded her that when reading a statement written about herself, for someone else to read, that she should replace the words 'Carla Howell' with the word 'I')

4) Every time Mitt Romney smirks, take a drink. (Oh, wait a minute, he never stopped! CHUG!!!)

Who knew that politics could be so entertaining? We were in hysterics by the end!

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Dang allergies! Someday I will be able to breath again, but I'm not expecting it to be any time soon...grumblegrumble...Nothin' to do but sit and knit the day away, I do believe. Heartbreaking, absolutely heartbreaking. NOT!!!

Sunday, October 06, 2002

I just downloaded and installed the Mozilla web browser onto our computer. It's amazing how different it makes things look. We are in the process of getting ready to cut ourselves free from the evil empire of AOL and have a free trial period with MSN set up for internet access. Now we just have to go through and import things from 'A' to 'B'. (I don't know though, the browser skin I downloaded is kinda bugging me. Oh well, more computer stuff for me to play with!)

I've thought about jumping on the train and going into South Station for the Boston version of the 2002 KnitOut, but I am just hopelessly lacking in ambition today. I'll just sit home with the fam', watching football and knitting up a storm. I'm about a third of the way up the back of Irina's next sweater already!

Saturday, October 05, 2002

I did nothing but knit all day today, and took a three hour nap. Pretty much a perfect day. :)

Other than that, I am incredibly boring.

Friday, October 04, 2002

I am being driven slowly insane...

Tony's family does a Christmas list for the small folk in the family that is kept at his parents house. It's a central location and it's a great way to make sure that all the Aunties and Uncles aren't duplicating gifts.

This year i have a alternate method for creating Irina's Christmas list. I am just going to tape 2 hours worth of Nickelodeon and edit out the tv shows!!! "Put that on my Christmas list. I want that on my Christmas list. Is that on my Christmas list?"

*sigh* Just under three months to go...

It's the Friday Five!

1. What size shoe do you wear? an 8.5 or 9, depends on the shoe.

2. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4 or 5. I wear one pair until they're trashed and I'm forced to buy new ones.

3. What type of shoe do you prefer (boots, sneakers, pumps, etc.)? Sandles! I hate shoes and do my best to have happy toes as long as I can.

4. Describe your favorite pair of shoes. Why are they your favorite? I have honestly never had a favotire pair of shoes. Don't get me wrong, I love shoes! I have just never found a pair that is 100% comfortable.

5. What's the most you've spent on one pair of shoes? I think it's the $80. I spent on the shoes for my wedding.

Thursday, October 03, 2002

At least I wasn't in the top 10!
Mom! Tony found this and thought you might get a kick out of it!

International Black Sheep Society of Geneologists. For the geneologists that have found a black sheep in their family tree. Surely we must have someone in the family that qualifies us! (No, your children don't count! )

Mission accomplished! The yarn has been exchanged and I think I'm going to be much happier now. I got Patons Classic Wool for the Christmas sweater. (Shhhhhh, it's a secret) I also picked up some Reynolds Signature in black and color #104 for a sweater for the squirt. I want to try to get an effect kinda like Kaffe Fassett's Magic Ball technique, but without having to weave in eighty gazillion ends! (I also get the bonus of 80% acrylic so I can toss it in the washer and dryer!)

That being said, I need to go work some swatches out and, oh yeah...Sew the final seam on the freakin' Kokopelli sweater!!!!!

Yes, it's after midnight and I should be asleep, but I'm not. I was lying in bed listening to my stomach growl for over an hour and realized that I wasn't going to get any sleep until I had placated it. So here I sits, eating Trader Joe's Maple and Walnut Granola Cereal out of one paper cup and drinking milk out of another. (What? Mix the two in a bowl? Let the cereal get all soggy and nasty? Eeewwwww!!! Nope. Nuhuh. No can do. No way no how. Tried it once, made me gag.)

I made the decision to go back to the yarn store and return the Lopi-Lite! (I didn't buy it here, I'm just using it as a picture example) It sucks! I am hating trying to work with it! All those loose little threads keep getting stuck to one another, and the skein of the lighter color keeps splitting. And it seems to be getting scratchier the longer I wo...attempt to work with it. Nope, I'll just take back my unused skeins and request credit so I can buy me some decent yarn!

(Tony practically passed out when he heard me going on at length about how annoyed I am, and that I actually plan on RETURNING yarn! Poor guy had to go lie down for fifteen minutes to get over the shock.)

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

I had a very cool wildlife encounter today.

There is a hawk that has it's territory near my work. As I was leaving today, ducking out a back way that goes through the owner's driveway and down this strange little back road, I could see the hawk in the road in front of me. Pretty neat, I thought, but as I drove closer and closer to it the darn thing wasn't getting out of the way! I finally came to a stop no more than 4 feet in front of the bird. And it still didn't move. We proceeded to do nothing but sit there and stare at each other. I think that it was sizing up my car, trying to figure out who would be victorious if it came down to a fight. (My money was on the hawk!)

After a good two minutes the hawk decided that taking on my puny car wasn't worth ruffling his feathers over and oh so slowly consented to move himself over to the side of the road, which is when I discovered why he didn't want to move. It seems that I had interrupted his dinner. I know because he picked it up and brought it with him. (All together now :"Eeewwwwww") As I rolled past him I stopped long enough look out my open passenger side window to thank him for moving, and assure him that we was indeed the handsome bird that he assumed he was. (OK, it could have been female, but I got the distinct impression of male)

Ad I drove away I watched him in the rear-view mirror as he dragged his dinner back into the middle of the road, and as an SUV came slowly down the street to where he was sitting...and stopped...and they sat there staring at each other...