Tuesday, October 01, 2002

I had a very cool wildlife encounter today.

There is a hawk that has it's territory near my work. As I was leaving today, ducking out a back way that goes through the owner's driveway and down this strange little back road, I could see the hawk in the road in front of me. Pretty neat, I thought, but as I drove closer and closer to it the darn thing wasn't getting out of the way! I finally came to a stop no more than 4 feet in front of the bird. And it still didn't move. We proceeded to do nothing but sit there and stare at each other. I think that it was sizing up my car, trying to figure out who would be victorious if it came down to a fight. (My money was on the hawk!)

After a good two minutes the hawk decided that taking on my puny car wasn't worth ruffling his feathers over and oh so slowly consented to move himself over to the side of the road, which is when I discovered why he didn't want to move. It seems that I had interrupted his dinner. I know because he picked it up and brought it with him. (All together now :"Eeewwwwww") As I rolled past him I stopped long enough look out my open passenger side window to thank him for moving, and assure him that we was indeed the handsome bird that he assumed he was. (OK, it could have been female, but I got the distinct impression of male)

Ad I drove away I watched him in the rear-view mirror as he dragged his dinner back into the middle of the road, and as an SUV came slowly down the street to where he was sitting...and stopped...and they sat there staring at each other...

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