Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Well I finally managed to crawl out of the sickroom just in time to have Tony crawl in. Irina hasn't caught the neverending cold yet, and I hope it stays that way! I mean, Tony actually stayed home from work today, which means that the guy is really sick! (I did have to talk him out of going to his night job. Somehow he thought that getting very little sleep tonight and then going into work in the morning was going to help him get better. Such a guy thing!)

I have four, count 'em, four rows left to do one sleeve number 1 of the Snowflake sweater. And I have finished the back of the "It's Only a Swatch" sweater and cast on for the front. I've decided on a cardigan, but for the life of me I can't figure out why because I hate picking up stitches for button bands.

The thing is, I have to do the ribbing for the second Snowflake sleeve before I can go beyond the ribbing of the "Swatch", because I'm using the same size needles for both. And, yes, I have to admit, I only have one pair of size 6 needles. *hangs head in shame* What kind of knitter am I, to not be prepared for any eventuality? sigh...

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