I'm out of here for a few days! Tomorrow we head out to my in-laws for Easter. We come back late on Sunday, so it may not seem like a major trip; but considering that there will be a minimum of seventeen people for Easter morning breakfast, it really is a big trip. And after we spend two, maybe three hours tops, digesting our Easter hard boiled eggs we head over to one of Tony's sisters for even more food! (and more chaos, and more people) It makes for a very long day. I'm just happy that they don't expect me to go to 8 a.m. mass with them, being the terribly non-denominational member of the family. I wouldn't understand it anyway, because it will be done in Polish!
So begins the Eternal Knitters Dilemma...What project to bring? A sock? Two different socks so I can switch off if I get bored? Socks and a sweater? Decisions, decisions...And, no, I'm not one of those who sees car rides as quality knitting time; because I like to drive!
May all of your chocolate bunnies be solid and from Godiva!
(i really must remember to read my patterns. *(yo,p2tog), p3* accidently became *(yo, p2tog)* p3, which results in a very different fabric. serves me right, trying to blog and knit at the same time)
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