Wednesday, April 09, 2003

When I was a kid

We moved into a new house. The previous occupant (I can't say owner, because we rented) had a huge loom set up in what became my bedroom. I only saw it briefly, when we looked at the house before moving in, but the image has stuck in my head for a long, long time.

I will admit that I've been intrigued with weaving for a long time now, and seeing what Clara has been doing is starting to reawaken the interest. I've been thinking about a kid's size loom from Brio as a possibility for learning, and to see if I really get into it. (Ok, there are space...make that lack of space...considerations) Something like that also has an added benefit that Irina could learn to use it too, if she's interested. I'll have to check around and see if I can find one locally.

And, Yea! Hooray! It's knitting night tonight. I get to leave the house for some grown up "Me" time in about nine hours! Can I survive that long?

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