Sunday, April 27, 2003

It's spring, and my life gets crazy

Working where I do I end up having a different crazy work schedule than the regular "retail" employee. Any other retail job that I had the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas were the big shopping days. Even the mere suggestion of taking any time off then, especially the day before Christmas, was enough to make the manager ask just how much you valued your job. For us, asking for time off between now and June 20th would get you the same response. I may be a bit quieter over the next eight weeks because I'm going to be working my butt off!

I'm *still* working on my pink sweater and The Project That I'm Not Going Talk About. (this has been a recording) I have this fantasy of finishing Pinky by Mother's Day, but chances of that are slim. And as I am now in fear of boring myself to death, nevermind anyone else, I'm going to go knit and watch some ST:NG. (That's Star Trek: Next Generation for the unenlightened. Yes, I'm a Trekkie- not a Trekker, never a Trekker)

Hey, anyone up for knitting Wednesday night?

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