I'll admit that a certain knitblogger's post rubbed me the wrong way (and it appears that I'm not the only one). I guess if I were ~~Popular~~ enough to be getting 20 or 30 comments a day that I too might feel the need to make sure that they were witty enough to keep my interest. As it is, if I get one or two I'm happy. Heck, I find the fact that anyone might spend a moment of their time leaving a comment on anything I might have had to say wonderful! Leave me comments! I promise to treasure each and ever one of them for what they are. (Ok, anything pornographic will get ditched, but I'll have a wicked hard laugh at it first)
This really kind of reminds me of the cliques in high school. I wasn't one of the popular kids then, either. (Now I prefer to think of it as flying below the radar.) But you know, I knew who my friends were, and I didn't have to worry about them saying anything catty or rude about me behind my back (or on a message board). I could be myself; quirks, rants, and hissy fits in tact. And can I tell you just how thrilled I am that high school is long over?
One thing I've noticed about myself is in the last year is how my blog has evolved. In the beginning I really did compare myself and my style to the "bigger" knitting bloggers (Theresa, Bonne Marie, and Carolyn at the recently defunct Dangerous Chunky). It took me a while to understand my own style of posting, and what I really wanted to use my blog for, ( if you really -HaHaHa- want to know my thoughts on that, ask! I can't promise that you'll understand the long, rambling, stream of thought monologue that follows; but I'll try to explain!) and to discover My voice. I probably bore a lot of people, I don't stick strictly to knitting; but this really is me, slices of my life.
Speaking of long and rambling, I really am in danger of putting to sleep more readers that I usually do! I just want to say Thank You! to each of you who took the time to visit me today! Some of you I know, some of you followed a link, to a link, to a link and I will never know. You are all welcome. May I offer you some tea?

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