Tuesday, November 25, 2003


I've been sicker lately than I've been in a long while. Nuthin' like a respiratory infection to flatten you. But with antibiotics to kick the infection's butt, and cough medicine with codine so I can finally sleep (something I haven't done in about a week), I should be back to myself in no time at all.

I have been using the enforced downtime to do a decent amount of knitting, but have I got any pictures to show you? No, of course not! That would be like, well, a normal thing to do. I'll catch up with that in a few days, when I'm more up to speed.

Instead I'll leave you with a reminder: When your kid is nice and quiet, and lets you takes a two hour nap on a Sunday afternoon something's wrong!
Look Mommy! I'm Hulk Girl!! -fortunately she chose the washable marker, so it came right off!

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