Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Lazy, lazy, lazy

This is so weird. I have a day when I don't actually have to "do" anything! I can just kick back and play with yarn all day if I want. (At least, until the bus shows up at three.) My morning is spoken for tomorrow, so I think I'd better enjoy today!

Mitten number two for the girlie was finally finished the night before last, however do you think we can find the first one? No-o-o-o-o! It's got to be in this apartment somewhere, but I fond it funny to think that the mitten's been lost before it's really been cold enough to wear it!

(It might be cold enough soon though! Is it possible that the Red Sox might actually win? Is this the year that Hell freezes over??? I, personally, won't believe it until we're ahead by six runs, it's the bottom of the ninth with two runners out, and the player at bat has two strikes! Then, and only then, will I stop holding my breath!)

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