Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I'm Bored

Which is a good thing!

I feel like I've been going flat out lately, what with Thanksgiving and the start of the Christmas shopping season and life and all that. I've been on the computer but have been mostly playing games, which is all my brain seems to be able to handle right now. I haven't been blogging, and I haven't been reading blogs either. Both just seem to require too much effort.

So today is a lazy day. I had planned on going out and doing things, but sleeping through my snooze alarm three times (I barely got up in time to send the kid off to the bus) and it being a miserable, rainy day outside changed my mind about that. Nope, it was decreed the perfect day to stay at home and do absolutely nuthin'.

And it's been bliss.


Oh! A heartfelt plea from he who is my husband! (Who works part time in the local mondo-big bookstore):

Please, please, please! After dragging all of the knitting books off of the shelves to look at them, put 'em back? Please?

Thus endeth my PSA for local bookstore employees everywhere. Thank You.

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