Monday, December 16, 2002

And so why am I awake? Wassup wid dat?

We ended up having a crazy busy sort of afternoon. It turned out to be a day of sorting and organizing. All to try to fit in the tree! How cleaning out Irina's closet fit into that scheme, I don't know...but it somehow ended up being done.

And in her closet I found a sheizer load of yarn that I forgot I had! I think my stash increased by a third. I feel like such a dork! Anyhow, after looking at what I pulled out of the closet (most of which was Red Heart), I decided to have Tony take it to his church. There are ladies there who do a lot of charity knitting and if they can use it they are more than welcome to it! I'd like to say that I'd keep it and do the charity knitting here, but it is a *TON* of yarn, and I'd feel guilty because I'd never get to it. Send it where it can get some good use, I say.

I did run across some Woolease Homespun that I've decided to use for a cardigan for Irina. Actually, at 2 stitches per inch on size 10.5 needles, I've already finished the back!

Well, my spelling is going downhill rapidly, and the letters on the keyboard keep rearranging themselves, so I guess it's time to go to bed!

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