Monday, February 10, 2003

Today's Blog Brought to You By the Letters C-R-A-Z-Y

The short one's cold hasn't been getting any better. I would in fact say that is decidedly worse. And she was up for a good chunk of the night. I know because I was up with her. And she just absolutely refuses to sleep in her own bed! She'll start out there fine, but by three a.m. she's moved in with us and it's driving us nuts! Any suggestions? Anyone?

So this morning I am going to get her out of the house for a while by dragging her up to the Fabric Place to see if they have the spring edition of IK (which I can't find yet), and fondle yarn that I can't afford to buy right now. And as I know that she only got a few hours sleep last night I am almost guaranteed a nap (please, please,please!)

It's going to be a heavy coffee day, methinks.

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