Wednesday, June 11, 2003

2 times the fun!

So last night the big city girl, Alison, made her way out into the 'burbs for a few hours of knitting. The experience was enhanced by the fact that we managed to snag the best chairs that Starbucks had to offer. It made the time we spent sitting that much cosier.

Even better was the fact that she, and her boys, came back out today. We met at the local A.C. Moore, for a Cotton Ease exchange (and, yes, I bought a few skeins). Then it was over to the next mall where lunch was had of the finest in McDonald's cuisine. Afterward we cut the kids loose in the play area and let them wear themselves out for a good long time. (I'll tell you a secret...You know how cute the pictures of Alison's sons are? They are even cuter in real life!) Irina had a blast playing with them, and can't wait to see them again. I think a generally good time was had by all.

So now I have some black and orange Cotton Ease to make a Halloween sweater for the short one, as per her request. Now I just need to find some...oh, what's that stuff called? Oh yeah, TIME!!!

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