Friday, June 06, 2003

Redoing some stuff

So the much neglected blog formerly known as "Free Range" is getting an overhaul. You know how sometimes you start a project, but the materials you're using don't agree with what you'd like it to be? It's kinda like that. It just wasn't right. Back to the drawing board.

I've also had a lot of thoughts going through my head lately about being a parent and what a bizarre, strange trip it is. I mean, there's nothing like having a kid to completely turn everything that you *thought* you knew upside down. And it's getting even worse as Irina gets older, wiser, and so much more her own person. Add on top of that the fact that she starts Kindergarten in 12 weeks!!! YIKES!

SO Free Range is being reincarnated as Momma Hen, someplace for me to deal with/chronicle the fact that my baby isn't a baby anymore. (Yes, I know, she will *always* be my baby...)

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