Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Well, oops.

I owe a belated Thanks to all of those who commented on my vest! I am glad that you liked it. I think that I was just so numb by the time I finished it that I didn't want to think about it for a while. How those people who design the frighteningly intricate knitting patterns do it, I don't know. I can understand the drive and urge, but it really was quite exhausting! I do plan on putting up a page with my basic directions eventually, if I can figure out how to write them clearly!

Now I know why the original pattern that my Mother had shown to me was so confusing; because until you actually start doing it, it *is* hard to wrap your brain around what the process looks like. OK, clearly marking the left front, back and right front sections of the pattern would have gone a loooooong way to helping! A diagram would have been nice, too.

It was a happy day in our household yesterday! We discovered that there is indeed a Deity, she does listen, and does grant prayers! How? The "monster neighbors" down on the ground floor, the guy who liked to party loudly and who's every other word began with the letter *F*, MOVED!!!!!! We were absolutely giddy, running back and forth to the window, watching them load up the truck. It wasn't until I saw the building maintenance people going in there with ladders and paint cans this morning that I believed he was really gone. Now maybe the kids in the building will start playing out in the common area again. I know that ~I~ didn't want my kid out there while he was around!

I've been doing a little bit of knitting. Sunday turned out to be a complete wash-out knitting wise though. The change in atmospheric pressure as the rain came through triggered a major migraine. Double yuck. I did manage two rows of the Vigrin sweater, but I know that in the time it took me to do those two rows, Wendy would have managed to do about two inches! (I'm only half joking!)

I've also done about half of a boa out of some copper Lion Brand Fun Fur that Irina begged me to buy at the craft store a couple of weeks ago. How do I know that I may have a budding fiber lover? She had to just keep the skein and 'pet' it for a while before asking me to make something out of it for her! Can it be long before she has a yarn stash of her own?

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