Tuesday, November 26, 2002

*My* No Hole Technique

Alison asked how I avoid the holes when I'm doing short row wraps on my sock heels. I think what I do is a mix of things that I picked up here and there that works for me.

First: I slide my wrapped stitch from my left hand needle to my right hand needle.

Second: I lift the two wraps up and over the "working" stitch, creating three seperate stitches.

Third: I slide the "working" stitch and the first wrap back to the left hand needle without twisting them so they look like an upsidedown 'U'.

Fourth: I slide the second wrap stitch back to the left hand needle, but I twist the stitch so it wraps around the needle.

Fifth: I knit all three stitches together through the back of the loops.

Clear as mud, yes? As I said, it may not be the classic method, but it works for me! :)

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