Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Planning the day...

The short one and I are having our hair cut this afternoon (I am torn between letting my hair grow long again and saying the hell with it and having it all cropped off), so that means she needs to be dumped in the tub and scrubbed this morning. We usually hang out so Irina can play with my girlfriend's son but she sounded like she was on a fairly tight schedule today, so I don't think it's going to be an option.

Then I want to go to a LYS to scope out yarn for Irina's design. I know that yarn that I want to use, but I don't know if the colors will be in stock or if I'm going to have to order them online. Ordering them may be the better choice, but I want to fondle fiber and see the colors next to each other.

After that it's off to the library to return some overdue books (One a Philosopher's Wool one that has me really interested in this steeking thing. Maybe I could do it after all!) The only hassle I have with the library is that they expect you to bring the books back! The nerve of them!

Time to get motivated on the day!

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