Saturday, January 04, 2003

Well, today turned out being harder than it really needed to be. Pbthththththththth...

I have started putting together my pictures of my finished knitting projects (The few pictures that I have, that is)...(Psst! Janet! I put the info about the 72 hour sweater there!) And I may actually have around here (a la Joe and Wendy) my First Sweater!!!

Thought I sincerely hope not! It was a big cabled pullover, hugely turtlenecked thing that I wore as a coat during the winter. I seem to remember that the pattern came from Vogue Knitting, and I know that it was done in 1985! (Which should give you some idea as to the *cough* style of it.) It was also done in some really bad, chunky green acrylic yuck of a yarn. I also know that it has some burned (melted) spots on it from where I dropped hot ashes and the occasional cigarette butt on it.

I wonder what ever happened to it...

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