Friday, March 28, 2003


I wish that there was something terribly exciting to say, but I'm afraid not. If you couldn't find me earlier, my host was having server problems, but it's back up now. (Obviously, duh!) Fortunately I had the sixth sense to save my post in Word, which I never do, so when Blogger ate it, it wasn't completely gone. Phew!

I do have a project in the works (gag, yet another project), but I'm not going to talk about it as much as I want to, because that just seems to jinx me into not finishing! (See list to left for examples <------) I really should go into a UFO finishing spree, but it's so much more interesting to start things...

I did get to have a fiber filled day yesterday! A trip to the LYS scored me some more sock yarn to use for making socks for the Ships Project, and some Brown Sheep worsted for a pattern that I'm "unventing" several times over. (Ooh, ooh! Charity knitting and unventing in one sentence! I'm a Knitdweeb, Baby! So sue me.) (Ok, PMS moment over) I also picked up some more non-traditional knitting patterns for baby clothing. NO, not for me!!! I have several friends that are due in August, and the pink and blue thing just isn't going to cut it!

When I returned home I found box from Elann sitting in the lobby under the mailboxes. Hooray! A wonderfully soft cotton/acrylic blend in a vibrant pink (confession: I'm not girlie, but I like pink. It looks good on me. The brighter the better.), and a pattern to be used with said pink yarn.

And then, while visiting my parents, my Mother gave me a copy of the Ultimate Knitter's Guide, a book that I had been lusting over ever since I first saw it. I had, however, been unwilling to pay $40. fo it. Don't worry, my Mom didn't either! She snagged it at a library book sale for...ready?...$2.00...Sweet!

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