Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Yesterday was "A" day

I imagine that it could have been worse. Dealing with a cranky kid and being late to work was bad enough. Having to unpack some really poorly packaged mirrors did nothing to improve my mood. (Why the heck would someone staple cardboard to a mirror that retails for over $300? It might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but really!) The capper was when I was hanging one of the afore mentioned mirrors. Driving a nail into the wall incited a picture hanging further up to jump off. I caught it...with my forehead.

No major damage done, no blood, and no bruise though the spot is a little tender this morning. Fortunately that was as downhill as my day went yesterday, though there was potential for it to get worse. I didn't get into a car accident on the way home, for instance. I'm not in intensive care someplace. And after a good cry (and some lemon poppyseed cake someone had brought in) my sense of humor started to reassert itself.

And the day did end on a high note when the small one and I fell asleep snuggled on our 8pm!!! I was tired!

So, I have finished the wild socks, and I'd show you pictures, but Irina insisted on wearing them to preschool yesterday! Like I was going to tell her no? They're in the laundry pile now. I'll try to remember to take pics next time she has them on.

I've started another pair for her. I'm going to give in to the strange, crazed urge to knit something pink and frilly for her by making some fancy socks to wear for Easter with her dress shoes. (Do I not make her frilly little girl stuff because she's not a frilly little girl type, or because I'm not? Armchair analysis, anyone?)

And, having read that column that is ticking everyone off, all I can say is "Puh-LEEEEEEEZE!!!" She's obviously never had anyone knit her a pair of socks, or a sweater, or even a scarf. Then again, she wouldn't appreciate it if someone did. I think that others responded to her *far* better that I ever could, so I won't waste my time even trying.

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