Saturday, May 24, 2003

A performance in words, music, and knitting.

Knitting is the new rock and roll? Cool! I was never into yoga much anyway.


I'm missing buttons! I went to finally finish T.P.T.I.N.G.T.T.A. last night, and two out of six buttons were missing! AUGH!!

That discovery lead to my grabbing all of the yarn that I had just hanging around on the trunk I use as a table in the livingroom and tossing it in a box. A very large box. I don't want to think about what's in the bedroom. I also found a lot of knitting needles that I knew I had but were never able to put my hands on when I needed them. So now I have three 29" size 8 circs. *Shakes head* But do you think I'll be able to find them when I need one?

I'm bringing boxes home from work with me today, and having Tony teach me how to use Spreadsheet tomorrow. It's time to weed and get organized.

My Queendom for three really big Rubbermaid containers.

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